2002-11-23 Thread suma thomas
November 23, 2002 

St.Clement  I

( Pope  Martyr, Apostolic  Father  of  the  Church(--101 AD)

   *** O  God!  make  us  children  of  quietness,and  heirs  of  peace..!!!***


  Tradition  says  that  St.Clement  was a  Jewish  convert;  a  disciple  
of  St. Peter &  St.Paul,  and  that  he  was  the  Clement  mentioned  in St.Paul`s  
letter  to  philippians  4:3,  as  this  fellow  labourer`  in  his missions. 
St.Irenaeus of  Lyons writing  towards  the  end  of the  second  century,said  of  
St.Clement  that `he  saw  the  blessed  Apostles  and  conversed  with  them.He  had  
thier  preaching  still  ringing  in  his  ears``. He  succeeded  St.Anacletus  and  
was  pope  from  88- 97? ,when   the  persecuting  Emperor Trajan  exiled  him  to the 
 Crimea.There  he  became  consolation  of of  some  some  2,000  fellow  Christians; 
“ God  has  granted  me  a  grace  of  which  I  am  not  worthy,  by  sending  me   
amongst   you to  share  ur  crown”.According  to  a  legend  he was   cast  into  the 
sea  &drowned.

St.Clement`s  writings  were  universally  held  in  great 
admiration  and  were  read  on Sundays  in  churches of  both  east  &west.His  
famous  letter  written in 96 , to  the  Corinthian Church,forms  one  of  the 
valuable  &important  document  which  have  come  down  to  us  from early  Christian 
  times. In  the  Corinthian  church  a  violent  faction  had  defied  and  expelled  
clergy; Pope  Clement  appealed  to  their  charity  and  descipline  to  overcome  
the  jealousy  which  had  been  the  cause  of   the  internal strife.”Observe  
order,as  all  creation  does! Arrogance  is  absurd,  for  man  is  nothing! Without  
love  nothing  is  acceptable  to  God. Christ  showed  us  nothing  is more  
beautiful  than  charity,  when  he  gave  his  own   Flesh  for  our  flesh  and  His 
 Souls  for  our  souls. But should any disobey what has been said by Him through us, 
let them understand that they will entangle themselves in transgressi!
on and no small danger."

  This  is  the  earliest  known  Papal  decree,&by its  tone  of  
authority already  clearly  shows the  Supremacy  of Rome.St.Clement is  named  third  
in  the  canon of  the  Mass,after  apostles.




   boatmen, marble workers, mariners, sailors, sick children, stonecutters, watermen 



“We  must  hasten  with  all earnestness &  readiness of  mind  
,to perfect  every  good work ,labouring with  cheerfulness; for  even  the  Creator 
and  Lord  of  all things  rejoices  in  His  own  works..””(St.Clement)

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[JOYnet] Birthday Notification !!!

2002-11-23 Thread listadm
Hi Friends

These are the birthday babies of the day (November 24).

manoj jose nellary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Wishing you a very happy birthday
God Bless
With Love
The JOYnet Family

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[JOYnet] Chapathi Jesus, Vastu, horoscopes and stuff like that......

2002-11-23 Thread josunjose
Dear brothers and sisters in Jesus,

I have been reading the different mails on vastushastra, horoscopes,
science for a christian and the most interesting  for me being the image
of Jesus and Mary on a burnt up chapathi, the same being enshrined at the
RRC, Bangalore for public view.

I haven’t dabbled with vastu much so I don’t know what its all about. But
I do hear that there is an occult aspect to it… I’m not too sure ok.

Well about horoscopes and zodiacs. I have been blest indeed to have
parents who discouraged us kids right from our childhood in believing in
palmistry, horoscopes, star signs etc… As devout catholics they taught us
to shun such practices. I really thank God for my wonderful parents. None
of us kids have an interest in this stuff.

I’ve got a number of friends (even some catholics) who wear rings with
their birthstones  and stuff like that on it. Whenever I get an
opportunity I ask them, why they wear these birth stones and stuff, they
tell me  that they want to attract good luck. And I further enquire “why
do u guys limit your good luck to such small stones?…..why not tie a
boulder round ure necks? (pun intended) so that ure luck is proportionate
to the size of the boulder….. Some of these guys are so bewitched into
thinking that they do indeed get good luck by wearing such crap. And
instead of keeping quiet about their foolishness they go around
broadcasting and thereby other morons also follow suit.

I personally feel that these stones or objects have no power on their own.
Its when we believe that something has power, our subconscious mind acts
on that as though it were a reality and that’s how these lucky stones are
floated as charms for good luck. I feel its all in the mind. I remember an
incident that occurred some few years back in our family before we were
going out on a trip to a place called Panipat for an outing. It’s a bit
off the topic but I hope I’m able to illustrate my point with it.

All was set for us to go to Panipat, that’s when my mom developed stomach
problems, she was having stomach ache and lose motion. So she told us that
she’ll stay back and we guys could proceed. I personally felt that it was
psychosomatic. So I did a small trick… I told mummy of a good medicine
that I had that would give her relief from the problem within 10 minutes.
She agreed to take it.

I gave her the tablet with a glass of water and went on auto suggesting
that her stomach problem is ok. True enough after 10 minutes or so she was
feeling better and was ready to accompany us for the journey, believe it
or not, throughout the trip mummy never had a problem. And what do u think
the super tablet was?… a lowly button I had picked up from the sewing
kit…. Only after a few months did I let her know the truth…Till about
recently, mummy used to go bananas with me whenever I broached up the

I narrated this just to substantiate that if we believe in something our
mind acts as though it were true… I think this is how these horoscopes,
goodluck charms, zodiacs etc work… I’m not a scholar on this issue either
its just my viewpoint.

And now about the chapathi stuff…I don’t feel it’s a miracle. It is more
of an anti witness to sensible people than an aid.

This morning it was my turn to prepare breakfast. I made chapathis. I took
one and I figured out the map of Andaman Nicobar on it. I took another one
and looked at it…it had the image of a maruti 800 with an elephant sitting
on its bonnet …I also made out a face similar to osama bin laden….
Tomorrow I’m gonna burn up the toasts to see if I can get the face of the
woman of my dreams:):):)!!hahaha.

A few years back in delhi there was this claim that ‘ganeshji & hanumanji’
was drinking milk… (those days I was not yet a JY) so I too went to the
temple to see this stuff (not out of belief but out of skepticsm)and I put
my finger below the marble mouth of hanumanji and the milk was just
drooling over my finger, down, below there was a small drain kind of that
led to the soil and there the milk was gobbled up by the earth. Becoz
there was a shine on the white marble it was not apparent that the milk
was flowing down. After the hoax was established a number of those godmen
were put in the coolers (jail).

I feel very sad at the plight of some of us catholics who believe these
things. It only proves our ignorance of Jesus and his word. Some of the
most superstitious people I’ve met are catholics… (I’m sad to say this but
I feel its true. I still know a catholic family who used to keep candles, 
salted fish, pickles etc.. saying that the end of the age is near…. they
were stocking food stuffs so that they could live a bit longer than the
rest at the end of the world I’m glad these people have come back to
their senses. Thanx to the renewal.

Once on a visit to St. Georges church in Muthalakodam in Thodupuzha,
Kerala with my dad, I met an old lady praying at the statue of St. George
and at the end of the prayer she did something that real

[JOYnet] Evangelization New Zealand

2002-11-23 Thread Sunny Thomas
Dear friends in Jesus,
Thanks for all the wonderful prayers all these days the
power of which have been understood by the New Zealand community. Some
of them have already become joynetters. Praise the Lord. Today we had
the first day of a 2 day retreat for a nearby city in New Zealand,
Hamilton. There was not much of a crowd today but some of them were
touched. There were quite a few Kiwis amongst them as well, along with
Indians Samoans, and Pilipino. Please do keep them in your prayers for a
strong anointing on the people who are coming tomorrow for the sessions
on Holy Spirit. 
God Bless You 
Sunny New Zealand

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[JOYnet] Thanks for prayers

2002-11-23 Thread mahesh peter
Praise the Lord

Greetings from Kuwait.

Last week i posted one prayer request for X'mas program in Kuwait, lots of 
people have come up with their prayer supports and personally informed me 
that they can receite this much rosaries etc., thanks a lot for all the 
peoples prayers.


Mahesh Peter
JY, Kuwait

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