[JOYnet] Elroy Night - Muscat JY Gathering

2003-01-26 Thread Georly Sebastian
Dear Friends,

Once again we invite your prayers for the upcoming Jesus Youth night
vigil in Muscat on 30th January.  Our Lord is blessing Oman in many
ways. By Lord's grace JYs in different parts of Oman started coming
together and are treated as the official youthwing for the parishes.
Our main pockets are Muscat (Ruwi & Gala), Salalah, Niswa, Sohar and
Ibri. Because of the long distance between regions, regular gatherings
are not possible for us. Every region is having 200 - 300 Kms distance
and Salalah is 1000 Kms from Muscat.

It is the first time JYs in Oman are coming together. We are gathering
at Sts Paul and Peter's Church Ruwi. Our family members from Dubai :
James Thomas, Densil Winsent, Shoji, Alphonse, Praveen etc. ... will
lead the program. On 30th we gather for night vigil and there will be a
musical-prayer gathering of two hours for parishners on 31st evening.

Please remember us in your prayers.

With love & prayers

For Muscat Family

Georly Sebastian

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[JOYnet] Daily Bread 02700102003

2003-01-26 Thread Primeson James
"You know that among the Gentiles thos whom they recognize as their rulers
lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. But it is not
so among you; but whoever wishes to become great among you must be your
servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave of all. For
the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give life a ransom
for many"

Mark 10 : 42 - 45

May God Bless You this Day and Forever.

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[JOYnet] What does CREATIVE THOUGHTS mean ???

2003-01-26 Thread << Jinson J >>
This is my 3rd letter to Joy Net, coz of tight schedules I couldn't
respond to many of the arguments on Joy Net...

Before I come to the point want to say on the latest hot subject on Joy
Net... "Sex before marriage is permissible? is it Sin? if they decided
to get marry later" One of my friend responded like this " sex is the
beautiful physical  experience that every child of God can enjoy "

but I have some questions... 
is it only a PHYSICAL experience  
is it really only a Fun making  
or is it for satisfying your physical urge  

As I believe SEX is not a Physical experience.. 
u should experience it at ur HEART...
then only u can name it "one flesh joined together by God... or the
if u think and doing it for physical pleasure...
then its only a Mechanical activity...even if its with ur wife,  before
or after Marriage...

Check out this comment" it is from Thomas([EMAIL PROTECTED])..
he says "this is an issue only for people looking for loopholes in Bible
to commit sin."  
I think he is rite and I agree ...

Bible says :
"Now those who belong to Christ (Jesus) have crucified their flesh with
its passions and desires.( Galatians.5:24)"
"Live by the Spirit and you will certainly not gratify the desire of the
flesh (Galatians.5:16)"
to understand in depth, think on FLESH/PHYSICAL DESIRE and SPIRITUAL
if possible read the whole chapter Galatians 5.

Friends I want to notice one more thing now...
On the home page (www.jesusyouth.org) we can see a alternative text on
the logo, which says "God intends us to be creative in our thoughts and
actions"  what does these words CREATIVE and THOUGHTS mean ??? ... on
reading some of the mails on Joy Net I'm lil confused ..

We r keeping some dogmas in our mind...
And we r analyses things... only on the basis of our mindsets...
just think.. just think on ourselves...
what are our thoughts... what r our desires...?
And, to where we r heading to..!!! 
as a youth we must have creative thoughts in our mind.. our thoughts
must be inspiring or consoling others.. I believe  its high time to
format our mind .. give some more importance to the HEART.. Heart should
be our INPUT DIVICE.. see things from different perspectives... our
thoughts must be INTELLECTUALLY challenging and SPIRITUALLY motivating
... then only u will call a Jesus Youth - ROOTED in charismatic
spirituality ..to CHANGE the face of the youth

With love and prayer
Jins  |  Cochin

Remember me 2 in ur prayer

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For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
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[JOYnet] What does CREATIVE THOUGHTS mean ???

2003-01-26 Thread << Jinson J >>
This is my 3rd letter to Joy Net, coz of tight schedules I couldn't
respond to many of the arguments on Joy Net...

Before I come to the point want to say on the latest hot subject on Joy
Net... "Sex before marriage is permissible? is it Sin? if they decided
to get marry later" One of my friend responded like this " sex is the
beautiful physical  experience that every child of God can enjoy "

but I have some questions... 
is it only a PHYSICAL experience  
is it really only a Fun making  
or is it for satisfying your physical urge  

As I believe SEX is not a Physical experience.. 
u should experience it at ur HEART...
then only u can name it "one flesh joined together by God... or the
if u think and doing it for physical pleasure...
then its only a Mechanical activity...even if its with ur wife,  before
or after Marriage...

Check out this comment" it is from Thomas([EMAIL PROTECTED])..
he says "this is an issue only for people looking for loopholes in Bible
to commit sin."  
I think he is rite and I agree ...

Bible says :
"Now those who belong to Christ (Jesus) have crucified their flesh with
its passions and desires.( Galatians.5:24)"
"Live by the Spirit and you will certainly not gratify the desire of the
flesh (Galatians.5:16)"
to understand in depth, think on FLESH/PHYSICAL DESIRE and SPIRITUAL
if possible read the whole chapter Galatians 5.

Friends I want to notice one more thing now...
On the home page (www.jesusyouth.org) we can see a alternative text on
the logo, which says "God intends us to be creative in our thoughts and
actions"  what does these words CREATIVE and THOUGHTS mean ??? ... on
reading some of the mails on Joy Net I'm lil confused ..

We r keeping some dogmas in our mind...
And we r analyses things... only on the basis of our mindsets...
just think.. just think on ourselves...
what are our thoughts... what r our desires...?
And, to where we r heading to..!!! 
as a youth we must have creative thoughts in our mind.. our thoughts
must be inspiring or consoling others.. I believe  its high time to
format our mind .. give some more importance to the HEART.. Heart should
be our INPUT DIVICE.. see things from different perspectives... our
thoughts must be INTELLECTUALLY challenging and SPIRITUALLY motivating
... then only u will call a Jesus Youth - ROOTED in charismatic
spirituality ..to CHANGE the face of the youth

With love and prayer
Jins  |  Cochin

Remember me 2 in ur prayer

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For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
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[JOYnet] Hi All....

2003-01-26 Thread st micheals
 Hello Friends,

 Its been a long time since I logged onto my favourite mail 
(almost months). After 3 years of prayer, fasting and discernment 
for priesthood my dear Lord heard my prayers and got me married at 
a tender age of 25 (Hi Hi Hi).

 All I can say its a wonderful experience and has given me new 
outlook towards discipleship. Request your prayers that I continue 
doing my Lords will in this new journey of mine. I wont forget to 
thank you all personally once we all meet at our heavenly Fathers 

 Praying.. Johnson.

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[JOYnet] Please note !!

2003-01-26 Thread listadm
 The birthday notification mails did not reach joynet 
 for the past two days due to some technical problems.
 Please wish these b'day babies (see below! ).
 Because of the same problems some of the mails were 
 sent in duplicate.
 I am trying to rectify the problem.
 Kindly bear with it.
 Have a good day.
 List admin.
 Hi Friends
 These are the birthday babies of the day (January 26).
 nelson abel vadedath <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 These are the birthday babies of the day (January 27).
 Thomas K. George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Wishing you a very happy birthday
 God Bless
 With Love
 The JOYnet Family

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
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[JOYnet] i have joined .......... nice site.... i am really happy to join in jesusyouth...

2003-01-26 Thread anil john
dear sir,
  My name is anil john. i joined to ur website..as a
member i came to know this from my friend this
is nice site... i have completed my MCA on sep 2002...
now i am searching for job pls give me some info
about this... and also pray for me...
thanking you
anil john

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This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
For more info on the list visit http://www.jesusyouth.org/joynet
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[JOYnet] Sharing

2003-01-26 Thread pretty kurian
It was quite sometime back..the last year of my PG Course.It was a tough year and I 
believed then, that I was passing through the roughest phase of my life. Things went 
wrong in every possible way and I was sure that there would be nobody on the face of 
this earth with lesser confidence, lesser courage and so useless.(no exagerration )
I never expected to pass that year and least expected a job...but I did pass and also 
got a job ( contrary to my expectations...how disappointing! :-)) ).The fact that I 
have come out of that stage is one of the biggest miracles of my life.

During those days, there was a prayer I often made...a countless times during the 
day...just kept saying all the time "Jesus please hold my hand.." .Very often during 
the day I checked out " Are u there ? Hold me please.." .I knew my sister can't help 
me out ,neither parents nor  freinds..only somebody supreme and so in my helpness and 
desperation  I called on Jesus to hold my hand..even if it was to make a phone call or 
talk to someone or even walk to the busstop..

I had a chance to go for a spiritual counselling then...and the counsellor just told 
me.. "Pretty, whenever you ask Jesus to hold your hand, that VERY MOMENT he will come 
and hold you.I see a vision in which I see a hand extended to you.." What she told  
surprised/shook me because that is what I prayed everytime and never actually shared 
with anyone..

God din't have skin and I din't have strong faith ...I couldn't see him holding my 
hand..din't know I was making a good prayer. I realised that Jesus was not 
supernatural but so real.

Love and Prayers,
Pretty ,

God is the wind beneath my wings.

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[JOYnet] Prayer Request

2003-01-26 Thread Besbix
Hi Everyone

Would like you to remember in your prayers a close basketball 
buddy of mine Clyde, who has got jaundince and is in serious 
condition.Both his kidneys are on dialysis.


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[JOYnet] RE: happy news

2003-01-26 Thread Bincy Abraham

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2003-01-26 Thread joseph john
Dear Joynetters,
This is an email I received in eJesus. Hope this will be helpful for the JYs in Blore.
l n p
Joseph John/ UK
Jan 26, 2003


Dear Friends of Ejesus living in Bangalore. Here is a wonderful opportunity for you to 
get aquainted with the deeper meanings behind the Bible. 

We have a very renowned Bible Scholar, Fr. STEVE DOYLE, OFM who has come from USA to 
present a series of lectures on important themes of the Bible. 


27th January 
9.00 am - 11.00 am: GOSPEL OF ST. MARK 6.00 pm - 7.30 pm : Book of Revelation 

28th January 
9.00 am - 11.00 am: Letters of St. Paul 6.00 pm - 7.30 pm : Book of Revelation 

29th January 
9.00 am - 11.00 am: Religious & Consecrated Life 6.00 pm - 7.30 pm : Book of 

30th January 
9.00 am - 11.00 am: Paul's vision & insights of Christ 6.00 pm - 7.30 pm : Book of 

31st January 
9.00 am - 11.00 am: What does it mean to be a Catholic today? 6.00 pm - 7.30 pm : Book 
of Revelation 

THE VENUE: St. Anthony's Friary / Church 
85 Hosur Road, Madivala Check Post 
Bangalore - 560 095 


Those of you having relatives in Bangalore, please forward this mail to them. 


Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at Mail.com

Meet Singles

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[JOYnet] Consilidated Prasyer Requests

2003-01-26 Thread jose joseph
Praise the Lord

Following are the consolidated prayer requests  from 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  for the week ending

Please pray for the following intentions:

1. Pray  for Luke Gerald that he may get a good
sponsorship to go to U.K. for further study and get
the financial help to undergo the studies.

2. Pray for Lukes father who is in critical
conditions and still drinks and his mummy who is not
keeping well.

3. Pray for Lukes sister and others who requested the
prayer support. 

4. Please pray for uncle of Ressy Jacob who is sick,
suffering high bp and one side some paralyses problem.

5. Please pray for  children of Moly Thomas, Dora(14),
Bony(12) and Flora (5). They lost their father last
May and now they are very naughty.

6. Pray for Jose Joseph who will be on a preaching
mission to Riyadh for 2 days (Feb 09 & 10) and on 11th
February to a Manglorean fellowship (RC) in Jeddah.  

7. Pray for the sister of Ajumon  who is appearing
cbse exam, she is suffering from fear in maths subject
kindly pray for her.

8. Pray for a 2 month old baby who is critically ill.
The baby has no bile duct right from birth and has
developed complications because of that. The doctors
have given him only 20% chances of recovering.  

9. Pray for Jobbys  father, a cancer patient, to
doctor curing is difficult. 

10.  Kollam (Kerala, India) JY is organizing a get
together. In the mean time they are to select their
new service team for Kollam . So please pray for their
new service team and also pray for all the JY of
Kollam would be able to attend this program.

11. Please pray for a friend of Jannifer who is facing
tough times at work with his  boss and nothing seems
to be clear as far as his current job status is

12. Please pray for Santan  Lobo who is in  hospital
with some liver problem . His White Blood corpucles
count is gone very high.  

13. Pray for  Praxie's mother who is trembling and has
other complications and for Praxie's brother Joseph
for complete recovery. Also pray for Praxie in a very
special way.

14. Pray  Samad and Benedict who failed in two
subjects and have to appear for supplementary
examinations and for Evonne and Kingsley who also
failed and have applied for consideration in their
college that God may give them admission for the next

15. Pray for a little 8 month old baby girl from
mumbai, she has undergone Heart surgery for closing
the hole in her heart.

16.  Pray for Bensilals  father who has been admitted
to the hospital since last two weeks due to breathing
trouble. Doctor says it is the side effect of his
Herinia and prostatory gland infections. He had some
urine test performed and doctors wants to do the
Biopise in the prostate gland. 

Love + prayers,
Joseachayan / Jeddah / Saudi Arabia


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[JOYnet] Daily Bread 0260102003

2003-01-26 Thread Primeson James
Who Is the Greatest?

"Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all"

Mark 9 : 35

May God Bless You This Day and Forever

This mail is generated from JOYnet, a Jesus Youth mailing list.
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