[JOYnet] Praise the Lord!!!!

2003-03-31 Thread Neovet
My Dear Family,

I don't have words to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and everyone of 

I know, you all were there before Jesus  Mary, praying for Reena, for our child in 
heaven and for me. 
Only because of your prayers Reena is alive now!

When Sibi asked for your prayer support, Reena was in a very critical condition. It 
was a rare case of pulmonary embolism followed by septisemia !!! 

on 4th March, she had a regular check-up with our gynac and everything was normal. And 
planning for a cesarean on 20th.
on 5th, by 3.00 pm i got a call from home telling that Reena has a breathing trouble. 
I rushed immediately and we took her to hospital by 4.00. There the doctor checked her 
and informed us that there is no problem with baby and reena. She told us that
the trouble was because of gas. We left the clinic with  some medicines for gas. But 
just after supper, again she started with breathing trouble and we thought that its 
because of gas and we waited till morning..at that time our baby was 
taking its last breaths...

In the morning by 5.30 we left for the physician. He could guess some problem and he 
told us to rush to nearest hospital. Before we reaching there, he had informed the 
hospital and there everything was ready for us. Immediately they gave oxygen and all 
and started various diagnosis.

Then shifted her to ICU and by 7.00 pm there formed a group of doctors  from 
cardiologist to haematologist. They started an hour long discussion and day before 
yesterday only I came to know that the dicussion was taken place because nobody was 
ready to 
take charge of that critical situation. Then one doctor Dr. Mehul Shah became very 
angry with all the other doctors and agreed to take the responsibility in case 
anything go wrong and instruct them to do the operation quickly and remove the toxic 

The gynac, after  two hour long operation, told very sorry to us with tears in her 
eyes and I was totally responseless alongwith others.

After operation, told me its critical for 48 hours and after 48 hours agains 48 hours. 
After 5 days only body was responding to antibiotics and upto that very moment all the 
doctors were telling me to pray,pray and pray to God.

During those 5 days I was playing a double role. In ICU doctors were telling me the 
real fact, and outside ICU I was informing my mother-in-law that everything is normal. 
 That also with a smile on my face..because she was a BP patient and had already 
collapsed for 3 times.

After 6 days, she was improving slowly. When she becase concious, she started to 
enquire about the baby and I told her its in inqubator since its a premature one. The 
gynac also personally told her that the child is under her observation. Reena was 
absolutely doubtless because of these words and she was eagerly waiting to see her 

After 10 days in ICU, she was shifted to the ward. With the help of a psychiatrist, i 
could tell all the story to herbefore we leaving the hospital.

Now she is alright. Taking bed rest and reciting rosaries...

All of you, once again join with me to Praise and  Glorify our Lord Almighty because 
Reena is alive now..and she could accept the fact that her baby is in the lap 
of  the Father

Thank you very much


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2003-03-31 Thread yahoo
Dear Friends,

Could any of you pass the email id of Mr. Chackochan Njavally.

Best Regards,

Tony Varghese
Engineered Products Division
Abu Ilyas Trading LLC
P B. 461, P C 117
Muscat, Oman
Ph: 00968-680939
Fax: 680954
Res: 680767
GSM: 9364967

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[JOYnet] Remember The Duck

2003-03-31 Thread James Peter Lingam
Remember The Duck
Author Unknown

There was a little boy visiting his grandparents on their farm. 
And he
was given a slingshot to play without in the woods. he practiced 
in the
woods, but he could never hit the target. And getting a little
discouraged; he headed back to dinner. As he was walking back he 
Grandma's pet duck. Just out of impulse, he let fly, hit the duck 
in the head, and killed it. He was shocked and grieved. In a 
panic, he
hid the dead duck in the woodpile, only to see his sister 
watching. Sally
had seen it all, but she said nothing.

After lunch that day Grandma said, Sally, let's wash the dishes. 
Sally said, Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to help in the 
today, didn't you Johnny? And then she whispered to him, 
Remember, the
duck? So Johnny did the dishes. Later Grandpa asked if the 
wanted to go fishing, and Grandma said, I'm sorry but I need 
Sally to
help make supper. But Sally smiled and said, Well, that's all 
because Johnny told me he wanted to help. And she whispered 
Remember, the duck? So Sally went fishing and Johnny stayed. 
several days of Johnny doing both his chores and Sally's, he 
couldn't stand it any longer. He came to Grandma and confessed 
that he
killed the duck. She knelt down, gave him a hug, and said, 
Sweetheart, I
know. You see, I was standing at the window and I saw the whole 
But because I love you, I forgave you. But I was just wondering 
how long
would you let Sally make a slave of you.

I don't know what's in your past. I don't know what one sin the 
keeps throwing up in your face. But whatever it is, I want you to 
something. Jesus Christ was standing at the window. And He saw the 
thing. But because He loves you, He has forgiven you. Perhaps 
wondering how long you'll let the enemy make a slave out of you. 
great thing about God is that He not only forgives, but He 

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2003-03-31 Thread rose maria
31ST  MARCH   2003


MARTYAR (---424)


It was the fifth century and Yezdegerd, son of Sapor III, was ruling Persia. 
There was little persecution of Christians during this time, however, a Christian 
Bishop named Abdas changed that. Abdas, in his zeal and out of righteous anger toward 
idolatry, burned the Temple of Fire, the sacred sanctuary of the Persians. This act 
infuriated King Yezdegerd and he declared that Bishop Abdas would either rebuild the 
Persian Temple or the king would burn all the Christian churches. 

When Abdas refused to obey the Kings command, he carried out his order and had all 
the Christian churches utterly destroyed. Abdas was put to death and a great 
persecution of Christians in Persia began which lasted for the next forty years. Even 
though Yezdegerd died in 421, his son, Varanes continued the persecution. Under the 
reign of this ruler, Christians were subject to heinous and cruel torture. 

One Christian who was living during this time was Benjamin. Benjamin was a Deacon who 
was serving time in prison for openly declaring his Christian faith. He had been in 
prison for a year when an ambassador of the Emperor of Constantinople was able to 
secure his release. The condition of his release, however, was that he would not speak 
about his faith. Apparently the ambassador consented to this condition on Benjamins 
behalf in order to obtain his release, but Benjamin was not about to be silenced. He 
said it was his duty to evangelize and tell others about Christ and there was no way 
he would be quiet. Therefore, he continued his preaching and was again arrested and 
brought before King Varanes. This evil King ordered that reeds be pushed under his 
fingernails and in other areas of his body to inflict great pain and then pulled out. 
This cruel procedure was repeated many times. He was then impaled by thrusting a long 
stake into his bowels up through his body, ripping throu!
gh vital organs. 

  Thus, Benjamin became a martyr for his Christian faith in the year 424. 


**When the Church keeps the memorials of martyrs and other saints during the annual 
cycle, she proclaims the Paschal mystery in those who have suffered and have been 
glorified with Christ. She proposes them to the faithful as examples who draw all men 
to the Father through Christ, and through their merits she begs for God's favors. 
(1173-catechism  of  catholic  church)

**O Jesus ! Who for love of me, 
Didst bear Thy Cross to Calvary ; 
In Thy sweet mercy grant to me 
To suffer  die with Thee...** 

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[JOYnet] pl pray - Parents retreat

2003-03-31 Thread Joseph Sebastian
Hai Joynetters,

MArian College Kuttikkanam is getting ready for a venture of its kind.

A retreat for the parents of the students of Marian college. It is in the 
HOly week from 14th to 17th. And all the sessions will be taken by the 
teachers from the college itself. We have quite a few JYs here. You'll know 
about them.

I am requesting your prayers for the retreat.

Your in Christ

Joseph/Marian College Kuttikkanam/Kerala

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[JOYnet] Diesel-day and the Lottery ticket to a Christian

2003-03-31 Thread abbyabraham
Dear JY ,
I want to know how much of help is  a 'Lottery ticket'  to a young Christian.
Each week, as I frequent a major diesel filling bunk, some poor lottery-boys
approach me. I never buy lottery. But I dismount from my vehicle and love to
watch how all those long distant and wind beaten lorry drivers purchase
lotteries. They buy with passion. Drivers kiss the tickets and pray for a
prize. I see some drivers place tickets on their forehead and slip them into
that special lottery-compartment in there purse.
Frankly, I leave the bunk with some  philosophical notes in my head,  Can't I
not help the lottery-boy by buying a ticket ? ,  Should I give God an easy
chance to help me?, Is Lottery a God-helping avenue?, Is Lottery a  mild
form of gambling?. IF I give a part of my prize to Christian mission works,
will it be okay with Lottery? (A friend of mine gave away 50% of his lottery
price to his local parish and that was really good of him !! )
Speeding away from the bunk, I forget all about lottery and save those
questions for the coming week and for another diesel-day. I never am tormented
by lottery sellers elsewhere and those philosophical notes never storm my
brain for another week.
I want to ask most JY friends what they feel about Lotto and the Lottery
Bonded in His Love

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