Hi all,

I felt it is quite important to understand the relationships from various

As we keep on trying to become active followers of Jesus in all walks of life,
relationships plays important role.

If you have seriously thought about it... relationships are to be considered
at a much higher level.

It starts at:
- seeing a person for the first time
- meeting him/her
- introduce each other
- trying to learn each other
- evaluate each other
- NOW - the important question... Who is he/she to me?

This is an important deviation... that is taking place at that point of
interaction (knowingly or unknowingly)


- we either try to maintain that relationship (Unless considered or measured
in terms of benefit!)
- OR
- discard (Don't we?)

I am just going a bit deeper into this...

Have we ever sort the help of our Lord into this practice?
Nope! would be the first answer... except to a certain case such as chosing a
life partner!

I would suggest... by doing this for every person we meet (Obviously its not
going to me more than... say... 10 people a day in a normal scenario!)
we would be able to see and feel our Lord's love at a higher pace!

As a psycological approach, most of the sins are circled around ones'
relationship with others:
- the way we behave to others (hurt physically and mentally)
- define ones' relationship to the other
- etc etc

Some of us would find this subject quite helpful in achieving our goals as a
Christian. I may not have furnished all the necessary points at this moment,
however, my dear brothers and sisters could add in more aspects what our Lord
wants us to discuss and understand.

Praise God

My prayers for all


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