[JOYnet] Let us praise the Lord

2003-03-29 Thread Anto Simon Kollannur
Dear family
Let us praise the Lord and give him thanks
I wish to share about a blessing of our Lord to my family.
We were in a financial crisis for the last two more years because 
of our house reconstruction and grandmothers death after one month 
in ICU. Even we were worked hard we found it difficult to get out 
from the crisis.  During this time I used to pray like O my 
loving Jesus,  as you know we are in a critical stage.  Only your 
blessings can help us.  Jesus, we want nearby 50,000/- for 
settling our financial problems.
Now I am in Pondicherry.  Last week I went to home.  And I felt 
sad about the financial condition.  Because of I am helpless I 
surrendered the problems to Lord. I came back here on last 
wednesday(19th March).  I was actually gloomy because of these 
problems.  But Lord was in action.  That Friday evening my mother 
called for conveying a glad news. That we got prized from a 
lottery (amounted 54,000/-).  See the Lord is very much caring 
about us.  Again and again thanking him.
Sing praise to the LORD for his glorious achievement; let this be 
known throughout all the earth.

Shout with exultation, O city of Zion, for great in your midst is 
the Holy One of Israel!Psalm  12  5-6

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[JOYnet] Thanks

2003-02-13 Thread Anto Simon Kollannur
Thank you Lord for loving me.

Thank you Lord for you grant me life;

Thank you Lord for you shown your love thru my parents;

Thank you Lord for you nourish my  soul with sacraments;

Thank you Lord for you died for me at Calvary;

Thank you Lord for you forgive my sins;

Thank you Lord for you filled me with your Holy Spirit;

Thank you Lord for you are leading me through out my life;

Thank you Lord for you are talking to me thru your living words;

Thank you Lord for you grant me wisdom to study your word;

Thank you Lord for you are living in me;

You give me eyes:  so I can see you in my brothers;

You give me ears:  so I can hear you thru my brothers;

You give me sound:  so I can talk to my brothers about you;

You give me arms:  so I can work for you;

You give me foot:  so I can walk for you;

You give me soul:  so I can praise you:

Thanking Lord for Loving Me.

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[JOYnet] Prayer intension

2003-02-12 Thread Anto Simon Kollannur
 Dear friends,

Mr. Regi abraham (38yrs)uncle of Cyriac, (JY in Coimbathore), met 
an accident today morning admitted in ICU at Matha Hospital, 
Kottayam. He is very serious. Pls Pray hardly for him.

Your Brother.

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[JOYnet] Prayer intension

2003-02-12 Thread Anto Simon Kollannur
 Dear friends,

Mr. Regi abraham (38yrs)uncle of Cyriac, (JY in Coimbathore), met 
an accident today morning admitted in ICU at Matha Hospital, 
Kottayam. He is very serious. Pls Pray hardly for him.

Your Brother.

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[JOYnet] Mission Experience

2003-01-27 Thread Anto Simon Kollannur
Dear friends,
  I wish to write one inspiring Christmas Experience which I 
got from a letter from one of my uncle, who is a priest, working 
in Chhattisgarh, as a Missionary.  I think this experience will 
help us to got inspiration in this period of enthusiasm.

 During the advent season, we have the custom of priest 
visiting every village to celebrate Holy Mass, to hear confessions 
and to prepare the people for the Christmas.   I have about 28 
villages, some of wich are very far away.   The we are also 
staging one hour drama to communicate a message against alcoholism 
since that is theworst evil myparishoners are fighting with.  Plus 
we are going to have two charismatic retreats in my parish; first 
one is from 25th to 27th Jan (already finished)  and second one is 
from 29th to 31st Jan so as to make sure that every one of our 
parishioners to participate in the retreat.  Please pray and ask 
ur JY friends to pray for the success of the retreat.
At this Christmas season, I would like to share myChristmas joy at 
Aundhi with u.  As part of the tradition, we have and advent tour 
of the villages by the priest and sisters in our parish.  Last day 
when I, with one sister, visited a village which is very poor even 
by our own local standards, after hearing the confessions, I 
velebratedthe Holy Mass on a paper carton box, on a veranda of a 
house which has only bamboos as its walls. On my right hand side 
i.e., of the altar(the card board box, because they did not have 
anything better to offer as an altar for the Holy Mass)  there was 
the so called wealth of that family; a few goats.  Through the 
gaps between the bamboos, they were watching yet again one more 
christmas;the Word becoming flesh and blood; this time it was not 
the immaculate Virgin bringing Jesus forth into the world, but the 
Holy Spirit was making it happen through the weakness and 
wretchedness of a very sinful priest.
I had seen the four women of those four poor families talking 
together in pain before we started the Mass at 12.00 noon.  They 
were probably worried as to what to offer to me and to the sister 
with me for our lunch since they didnot have anything at home to 
offer.  This year's monsoon did not give them sufficient enough to 
get back the seeds they had sown.  Then I was almost 
translocated(in my thought) to that cold and indifferent night in 
Bethlehem of 2000 years ago.  I was getting probably a glimpse of 
the original Christmas;  its pain and perhaps a shade of the 
poverty at Bethlehem.  I was trying in my homily to tell them that 
the Creator God can again be born in the midst of their actual 
poverty.  But the expressions on their faces seemed to remain 
stoic and unconvinced.  I felt my own helplessness; they were 
feeling their own helplessness; and God seemed to be expressing 
His own helplessness, too.  God seems to be almost chronically 
prone to express more often His powerlessness and helplessness 
than His power and might.  He expressed His powerlessness most 
powerfully on the cross of His Son.
As we cycled back to the parish at around 2.00 O'clock with empty 
stomachs, I inquired my companion sister shether she felt hungry.  
Quitely did she affirm.   Within me, I thanked the almighty God 
for giving me a taste of pain of Bethlehem, and for His unnoticed 
and unrecognized presence in the most unexpected and the cruelest 
situation.  This is Immanuel, -- not just God is with us; but He 
suffers with us our own pain in the sublet way, not even letting 
us know that He is suffering with us; lest we feel weak.  In our 
sufferings He seems to remain silent and absent to make us feel 
strong with ourselves.

 Dear friends this letter very much inspirated me a I cried 
in thinking of the Lords Love.  I got this letter in the day of 
Christmas, and I also  experienced that Lord is with our poverty.  
We have to pray for his parish for the second retreat will start 
from tommorrow.

With Love  Prayers
ur Brother in Lord

Anto Simon

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