[JOYnet] Please Pray 4 the soul of Jason Herbert

2002-08-12 Thread divine_luv

To all Joyneters,
The Subject which i have mentioned in this mail is not a mistake but it would be the 
Subject i would actually be writing 2day. 
It is with Tears of Joy that i can inform you that My Brother Jason is alive with the 
Grace of God and with the Help 2 Guardian angels he survived a Train accident 
Yesterday we were on an outing to our aunt's place, Soon after Jason Booked the 
tickets we were about to catch the train but as soon as we reached mom to the ladies 
compartment the train began and Jason and I ran to get into the Gents compartment, 
which is the next compartment. The train caught up speed and i who was running behind 
Jason knew i wouldn't make it. Jason had just about reach the gents compartment. 
He tried to get in/ jump in but wot happened I do not know. The next thing i could see 
was  Jason hanging from the amp; train being dragged. my heart was in my mouth 
and i couldn't think or do any thing at that moment. I was so stunned that everything 
was happening so fast I couldn’t even get words to say a prayer. Some how I just 
managed to say God Save him Suddenly I seen that he let go of the Train and i 
Screamed his name thinking that was the last sight of him alive and that anything 
could happen he could go under the train or he could be hit by the tra!
 I like a nut was running behind him with 2 cups of miranda in both my hand and 
wanted 2 just pull towards the platform I threw one glass and ran faster to reach him. 
To Gods grace Jason fell towards the platform. When I reached him he was dazed for the 
moment on the ground and was saying “Some one pushed me, Some one pushed me”. The 
people around were like shouting at him saying Chalti Gaadi ke peeche bagna nahin 
chahie- which means should not run after a running train i shouted back at them 
saying some pushed him that’s why he fell. Then comes the Greatest part of all 
this fool Jason get up regroups him self and the first thing he says. Hmm 
“That was good lets do it again” 
We caught the next train and Met our crying Mom at the next station, who just didn't 
stop telling him stuff 4 the next 1/2 hour. My Mom 2 had witnessed the incident cause 
she stood at the door and seen the whole incident.
Well friends I could only narrate this briefly so that I could testify that Jason 
survived such a incident with the grace of God amp; with the prayers of my mom during 
the incident.. My mind is still not at ease because I still c the scene flashing 
B4 my eyes every time I think of Jason. The very fact the Jason was pulled towards the 
platform and not towards the train is the Miracle that God has made me witness. I feel 
and surely say that Jason is saved by the merciful hand of God.
Well Friends at this time I would like to request you’ll to Please pray For others in 
the same situation. Some may live on to share their joys on how God saved them, But 
those who don't survive these incidents and devastated and turn away from God for the 
same reason...
Thanks for all your Prayers 
Love in Christ Jefferson (divine_luv)
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2002-07-23 Thread divine_luv

Dear JYs
I have been following some of the mails on Suicide and I wish to share my views as 
I remember the time when my aunt (mom's sister) had committed suicide when I was very 
small. I didnt know then what Suicide was. I remember when I asked around why a person 
commits suicide I was given to understand that 'suicide' was another form of 'being a 
coward', a person unable to stand up to the challenges of life. For me the word 
'coward' was very strong. Because no one likes being called a 'coward' or a 'darpok'.
It was only later as I grew up did I realise what actually facing life and it 
challenges meant. That how easy it was to think of suicide when things didnt go ur way 
as Welchy had mentioned in her mail.
For me I guess Committing a sin is like betraying Jesus. And we do read in the gospels 
there were two Apostles who betrayed Jesus. Both were aware that what they did was 
wrong. One repented and the other committed Suicide. The one who repented became a 
great apostle and the other we know his fate when he committed suicide. There is still 
hope in repentance and I guess if we commit suicide we lose out on this this hope. 
Now I have read the other mails and I do agree that in light of some facts we should 
share it with our spiritual fathers. I also do agree that we should not misinterpret 
the Holy Scripture. 
However I totally disagree that this should prevent us from sharing any such topics 
out here. It may deter some. But on the flip side we can gain valuable knowledge and 
experience from those whose faith are strong in Christ and have gone through such 
experience as Father Thomas has mentioned. I remember my brother telling me how useful 
the discussion of taking prasad which was shared out here was. On quoting 
scriptures. I do personally disagree with the fact that we should not quote them at 
all. How would we know what we are quoting is in the wrong context if we dont quote 
them at all. And I do see that we have so many wonderful Word ministers here that 
should we falter they are there to correct us. Right Ravi :)

in prayers, 


Bonny Thomas wrote:

I'm giving my full support to Baiju on his note.now its time to close this chapter 
as this is getting out of focusmoreover i would repeat as Baiju advised that we 
should get advise before we come to conclusions on topics like this and putting it 
over joynet.

regards, bonny
-Original Message-
From: Baiju.T.F. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 23 July 2002 08:23
Subject: [JOYnet] SUICIDE

Dear Friends in Christ Jesus,

I have been privileged to go through most of the mails posted on Joynet about
suicide. I have a strong feeling, now that, the time has come to put an end to
that particular. The reason being, the subject has gone out of our hands as I
could see mis-interpretation of the Sacred Scripture.

God has a particular reason for writing all those words in the Holy Bible and
if we are trying to give our own explanations, we are trying to conquer the
wisdom and intelligence of God the Father, which is quite impossible. By human
mis-interpretations we are also sending wrong signals to certain class of
people who are very much vulnerable to what they read in Joynet.

Our dear friend Ravi has already written about it.

Forgive me if I am questioning your liberty to write your comments on joynet.
At the same time, I have a suggestions to make; before we put our comments
with Scripture quotes on highly explosive subjects like suicide, murder, rape,
abortion, homosexuality, etc. on Joynet let us seek the advice of our
Spiritual Fathers as we are not sure in what context the readers will take as
they will not be that much Spirit filled as the authors.

Let us pray to the Holy Spirit to enlighten our wisdom amp; understanding,

With Love amp; Prayers,


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