[JOYnet] Re: Test message from joynet@jesusyouth.org

2003-02-04 Thread jomjose
Hi My dear Brothers & Sisters in Jesus,

I am very much here and every day i am receiving mails from Joynet. I am very much 
intrested in Joynet.

 The mails may be bounced due to some server problems because everyday i am checking 
my mails. There is no such day which do not receive any mail from Joynet. So i hope 
that you donot remove my email address from the mailing list. 

Thank you very much,

Kind Regards,


Jom Jose



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[JOYnet] Kind Request for your valuable prayers

2002-11-07 Thread jomjose
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus,

Have a Good Day. I am Jom from Mumbai. I Like to request you for your 
powerful prayers for me. Since last so many years i am praying to the God to 
give me an oppertunity to work in abroad. On His Grace, today i was offered 
by a Travel agency, an oppertunity in Oman. They ask me to undergo the 
medical examination on Thursday and as i was not granted leave from my 
present company on Thursday, i requested them to prosponed it to Friday. Now 
i am waiting for your reply.

I like to beg your prayer for God's wishes to be done on this entire process 
for job in abroad. You also please pray to Jesus to save me from any 
possible frauds.

I know that with your powerful prayers, God will support me  a lot and He 
will do the justice.

Thank you very much,

With a lot of best wishes & prayers,

Your Loving Brother in Jesus,


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[JOYnet] Urgent Prayer Request

2002-10-16 Thread jomjose

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

I am humbly requesting your valuable prayers for one of my friend, Mr. K. B. Agadi  
who is working as a Senior Librarian in one of the reputed organisation. Due to 
unforseen situation (not due to any of his faults) he is now may be loosing his job. 
Somebody else is try to convence the Management to get his post. My friend is recently 
married and so the situation under circumstances is more worse and humiliating. He is 
now in helpless and he fear that he wife will be blamed by others as our custom for 
this humiliating situation. 

Dear friends, can you please remember my friend Mr Agadi in your prayers and i am sure 
that your prayers will make miracles. 


May the Good Lord Bless us a lot.


Wishing you all the best with prayers,

Yours Loving Brother,



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