[JOYnet] More happiness in our life !

2002-12-12 Thread sony EA
 There is more happiness in giving than in receiving Acts: 20:35

Read this  think.
Try to think before you go down for the answer.
Once there was a man travelling on a bus in a mountainous area.
He decided to get down at some place. After he got down, the bus moved on. 
As the bus was moving, a huge rock fell on the
bus from the mountain and crushed the bus to crumbs.
Everyone on the board was killed.  On seeing this, the man said , Better i 
should stay in the bus. Can you guess why he had said like that?

Scroll down for the answer

You might want to think again
Go on think

Okay. Here we go.
if he had remained on the bus instead of deciding to get down,
the resulting time delay could have been avoided and
the rock would have fallen after the bus had passed !!!
Think positive in life always and
look for opportunities when and where u can help others

Lord, lets give grace to change our mind set in this Christmas season.
Can we??

With love  Prayers


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[JOYnet] Lets pray for this little one

2002-12-11 Thread sony EA
Dear Friends,

Jose Mathew's ( joy netter) elder sister delivered a baby last week. This 
baby's life is very critical and from last few days in ICU. Jose is 
requesting all our prayer support for immediate healing to this child.

With love  Prayers


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[JOYnet] Read and Enjoy

2002-10-27 Thread sony EA
Jesus and Satan were having an ongoing argument about who was better on
his computer.

They had been going at it for days, and God was tired of hearing all
the bickering.

Finally, God said, Cool it. I am going to setup a test which will
take two hours and I will judge who does the better job.

So Satan and Jesus sat down at the keyboards and typed away.
They moused.
They did spreadsheets.
They wrote reports.
They sent faxes.
hey sent e-mail.
They sent out e-mail with attachments.
They downloaded.
They did some genealogy reports.
They made cards.
They did every known job.

But, ten minutes before the time was up, lightning suddenly
flashed across the sky, thunder rolled, the rain poured, and, of course, the
electricity went off.

Satan stared at his blank screen and screamed in every curse word
known in the underworld.

Jesus just sighed.
The electricity finally flickered back on, and each of them
restarted their computers.

Satan started searching frantically screaming, It's gone! It's
all gone!  I lost everything when the power went out!

Meanwhile, Jesus quietly started printing out all his files from
the past two hours.

Satan observed this and became even more irate. Wait! He

How did he do it??!!

(You'll love the punch line)

God shrugged and said, Jesus Saves.


Praise the Lord.

With love  Prayers


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[JOYnet] Prayer request from Pondicheery - India

2002-10-23 Thread sony EA
Dear Friends,

1. Kindly pray for a Family- much depressed, lost his job because of some 
problems in his Dept., One daughter- under treatment of TB, stopped her 
studies [10th] this year. Mother - because of tragic incidents now lost her 
faith in Jesus, now a complete devotee of Sai Baba...

Now they decided to go for a retreat at Aluva {Kerala)  So.. Lets ask 
the lord to bless them and change their life.

2. Please Pray for first night vigil at pondicherry on this Saturday. Ask 
the lord to start the renewal of Pondicherry thru this night vigil.

3. Please pray for a 2 hours adoration for street children's at Pondichery 
on this Friday.

So Friends need your help ..

With love  prayers


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[JOYnet] Believers will see miracles

2002-08-02 Thread sony EA

1 John 5:14-15

And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any
thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he
hear us, whatsoever we ask, we knowthat we have the petitions that
we desired of him.

Have you ever been in prayer and suddenly had the disturbing
sensation that God simply isn't listening? It's happened to all of us.
We limp along praying the same old prayers, half-hoping those
prayers are heard and half-suspecting they're not.

Today I want to show you how to resolve that dilemma once and
for all. But let me warn you, I'm not going to slap you on the back
and assure you God will listen to any old doubtful, self-centered
thing you say to Him. He won't. He's only promised to listen to
prayers that are prayed according to His will. The Apostle John
says when you pray like that, you'll know that you have the
petitions you desire of Him.

The word petition is defined as a formal written request addressed
to a sovereign superior of a particular right or grace, and that's
exactly what you need when you're praying about something serious.

How do you put together a solid petition, one that's in line with the
will of God?

First, you have to roll up your sleeves and dig into the written Word.
Find scriptures that apply to your situation and make those the
foundation for your petition.

Then get on your knees and consult with the Holy Spirit. Let Him help
you develop your petition in detail. The best way to do that is to
spend time praying in other tongues. (See Romans 8:26-27.) Expect
God to reveal things from His heart to yours. He wants you to know
His will. So, while you're praying, listen!

Last of all, write it down. Make a formal written request by writing
down every scripture you found. Also, as you're listening to the Holy
Spirit for the details, write down the impressions and ideas He gives

Take your time. Let the Spirit develop your prayer. Let the truth He
reveals to you settle in and begin to work in you. Get your petition
firmly in mind, then when you're ready, present it to God.

Believe, He'll be listening.

Sonydelhi  Jimmy

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[JOYnet] Needs your support

2002-06-15 Thread sony EA

Dear friends,

As conveyed by Shobith, Tomorrow we have TamilNadu Jesus Youth Gathering 
(16th June)at Coimbature.

By the Grace of God Shobith arranged every thing for the prog. but he is 
down with fever since last two days. He asked all of our prayer support for 
immed. recovery.

friends please pay for this prog. and Shoby.

with love  prayers

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[JOYnet] You are requested.........?

2001-12-15 Thread sony EA

Dear Friends,

Heavy midst covered all the part of Capital City, Delhi. These days people 
can't see each other and they are afraid to come out of their houses. Also, 
a feeling of insecurity spread all the areas of Delhi, after parliament 
attack. Heavy security system and traffic controls are enabling to spread 
this message to common people.

But Jy friends in Delhi are experiencing real fire from Holy Spirit. They 
are going through prayer, planning etc.. in all night as part  preparations 
of prog. called Winter Gloria. [ Exhibition  Music prog. from 23rd to 26th 

From 1999 onwards JY, Delhi taking initiative to co-ordinate Exhibition and 
Music prog. as part Christmas celebrations in our Cathedral Church. Last 
year it was a Mega Exhibition co-ordinate by Diocese, Delhi, and supported 
by all our JY friends.( prog. cord. by Jose Mathew) This year also Jesus 
Youth continues this mission...
because on Christmas days lot of people specially non-christens ( Sikhs  
other religions) will come to Cathedral Church to worship our  baby Jesus.  
This will be a good opportunity to introduce Jesus to  them. This year main 
stalls are Basic Gospel, Pro-life, Church , Bible  Jesus Film.

We are remembering fruits of last Exhibitions, In 1999 my friend, Dilbet 
shared basic Gospel to a Sikh ( Sardar), named Renjit Singh. Last year we 
again met him ... now he growing in Jesus and have good contacts with us

So Dear Friends, can we join our hands with this good initiative? Can we 
give a good birth day gift (  saves one soul)  to our little Jesus? May be 
our physical presence will not be there . but pray and support and see 
that our name should be written above with angels who singing gloria.

with love  prayers


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