Hai folks,
 How are you? How is your walk with the Lord?

 Well all of us have our eyes and ears open to the happenings in the world.
But are you aware of the shift in the focus of the Advertisements in the
Media? If we look carefully we will see a lot of negativity like anger,
jealousy, hate, envy, obsession etc creeping in very much.  (you will find an
article regarding this in the Business Line newspaper on the 17th  what I am
writing is mainly concerned with India, I don't know about other countries )

            The wife asks her husband about his new boss, a woman. She is
visibly jealous when he says she is nice and is quiet fond of him, When the
husband emphasizes that he too is fond of his boss, the wife crumples up his
coat and throws at him, saying maybe she will not like a crushed coat. The
husband picks it up and smiles there isn't a single wrinkle on it. Then the
catch line "Grasim Uncrushables" comes.

            We see the husband and the wife breakup and the visual shows the
husband leaving the house with his belongings. From the road the husband takes
one last look at his wife, and then instead of going away comes back to house,
the wife thinks husband has changed his mind. Actually the husband comes and
asks for the shirt, which his wife was wearing, and then we see the husband
going off with the shirt. The catch line 'live in shirts- you cannot live
without it'

            A man comes home miffed with his boss who asks him to settle for
an old office car, saying its as good as new. This man then decides to give a
birthday gift to his boss- his old shirt made to look as good as new after
being washed in as Electrolux washing machine.

            We will  always remember the catch line of Onida 'neighbours envy
owners pride'

 If I go on to mention there are scores of these types of advertisements being
aired these days.

 I will not be doing justice if I don't say that there are many positive
advertisements also.

 Nothing more for now.

Love and Prayers,


May God Bless You

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