Originator - Vincent Thomas/Dubai

Living in the Spirit: 10 Steps to Practice Daily


1. Meditation

Meditate in the morning and at night. This is a great way to begin and end
the day in the Spirit.

2. Daily Affirmations

Read a Bible verse and/or other spiritual affirmations throughout the day.
This will keep you in a positive frame of mind and reaffirm the goals, dreams
and desires that you want to achieve.

3. Think Before You Speak

Always practice this step. It will keep you from making negative statements
or remarks and will also keep you from offending others with your language
and gestures.

4. Exercise

Exercise in any form i.e., walking, jogging, aerobics, gardening, will keep
your body in tune with your mind and spirit.

5. Hobbies

When you do something that you love and it involves creativity or giving back
it brings harmony to your spirit and the universe.

6. Read

Reading can also be a hobby, and it's the only way to feed your brain.
Reading stimulates the brain and allows the mind to think, therefore, you
learn. Try to learn something everyday.

7. OPP

Other People's Problems - restrain from getting emotionally, financially and
spiritually involved in other people's problems and issues. This does not
mean turn your back or not help or show support. It means being unattached
and drawing the line when other's use their problems and issues to throw you
off track of your own dreams and ambitions.

8. Love

Say, 'I love you,' to your loved ones as you greet each other on the phone or
in person. Also, say, 'I love you,' to yourself and give yourself a hug.

9. Smile

Smile, because God loves you. Remember to smile, even when things are going
wrong. A smile keeps the tension and stress from building in your face and
head. A simple smile tells your spirit that everything is going to work out

10. Be Thankful

Need I say more. Always be thankful to God, to everyone and to everything
that happens in your life. Giving thanks for the good and the bad allows your
spirit to always be at peace.

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