Have a nice week end.Nelli

Perhaps you would like to change places with me....
There was once a king named Dionysius who ruled in Syracuse at that time the
richest city in Sicily. He lived in a fine palace where there were many fine
and beautiful things, and he was waited upon by a host of servants. Naturally,
there were many in Syracuse who envied his good fortune. One of these was
Damocles, one of Dionysius' best friends. He was always saying to Dionysius,
"You must be the happiest man in the world." One day Dionysius tired of
hearing such talk said, "Perhaps you would like to change places with me."
"Oh, I would never dream of that," said Damocles. "But if I could only have
your riches and your pleasures for one day, I should never want any greater
happiness." "Very well, trade places with me just for one day." And so the
next day, Damocles was led to the palace, and all the servants were instructed
to treat him as their master. They dressed him in royal robes, and placed on
his head a golden crown. He sat at the table in the banquet hall and rich
foods and wines were set before him. "Ah, this is the life," sighed Dionysius
who sat at the other end of the long table. "I've never enjoyed myself so

As he raised a cup to his lips and he lifted his eyes to the ceiling Damocles
stiffened. The smile faded from his lips, and his face turned ashen, his hands
trembled. He wanted no more food, no more wine, no more music. He only wanted
to be out of the palace, far away. For directly above his head hung a sword,
held to the ceiling by only a single horsehair. Frightened that any sudden
move might snap the thin thread and bring down the sword, he sat frozen in his
chair. "What's the matter, my friend?" asked Dionysius. "You seem to have lost
your appetite." "That sword! That sword!" whispered Damocles. "Don't you see

 "Of course I see it," said Dionysius. "I see it every day. It always hangs
over my head, and there is always a chance someone may cut the slim thread.
Perhaps one of my advisors may grow jealous of my power and try to kill me. Or
someone may spread lies about me, to turn the people against me. Or maybe a
neighbouring kingdom may send an army to seize my throne. Or I might make an
unwise decision that will bring my downfall. If you want to be a leader you
have to accept these risks. They come with the power. Damocles said, "I see
now that I was mistaken, and that you have much to think about besides your
riches and fame. Please take your place and let me go to my own house." And as
long as he lived Damocles never wanted to change places, even for a moment,
with the king.
Author Unknown

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