Praise the Lord

I am very sorry, I couldn't post this consolidated prayer requests on
02.03.03. Therefore, I am posting now.

Following are the consolidated prayer requestes to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
for the week ending 06.03.2003.

Please pray for the following intentions :

1.  Please pray for Greg and family who is travelling to London, Also he is
looking for a job - mother Margaret Mackey, Australia.

2.  Please pray for Ajith Thomas and his friends who are appearing their
examinations. Exam already started on 03.03.03.

3.  please pray for Reena who is suffering problems from Madhu, pray for
madhu too.

4.  Please pray for Dileep who is appearing his CA PE-Exam group 2 by 6, 7
and 8.

5.  please pray for R. Cyriac whose marriage has been fixed informally. his
parents and relatives are know about this, he seeks the wish of Jesus for his

6.  please pray for VIMAL to get a chance to work abroad.

7.  please pray for Joy, Jija, Aparna, Mangalji, Deepak, Alex, Jijo, Cennil
and Anju. They appearing their exams during this weeks.

8.  please pray for Pannu's brother Mahesh and his Fiona to lead a
responsible life, and Mahesh and Fiona to get good jobs. Also to pay off his
debts - Pannu.

9.  please pray for Binu. He would like to lead a spiritual and professional
life, and to witness for Christ. Also he seeks prayer support for his father,
mother and sister. - Binu.

10. please pray for santhosh, who wish to come out his bad thoughts about

11. please pray for Junia's brother jose mon, he is suffering from jaundice.

12. please pray for Elsy's daughter to get promotion to next standard.

13. please pray for Joe's brother studying in 10th standard to do good
perform in his all examinations. examiation already started on 04.03.03. And
also pray for Jeo he is studying for Engineering.

14. please pray for george to overcome from a bad habit and lethargy.

15. please pray for Ranjit's son deepak who is taking up his CSEE X Std
examination started on 04.03.03. father Ranjit.

16. please pray for Jai his board exam has also started on 04.03.03, and also
for Joash studying in 8th std. - Joash.

17. please pray for Cuckoo's brother whose 12th std exam has already started
on 03.03.03 he finds difficult on Physics. and also to have strong faith in
Christ. - Cuckoo.

18. please pray for Vinoy George, Meghna Cherian and Juliana to get a job -

19. Bindhu k thomas is requesting to get a better job as her current job at
the verge of ending, and also to get away all the obstacles for her marriage.
- Bindhu. 

20. please pray for Joseph Chettan who is having severe pain behind the head
(edema of the foot and mascular weakness). dr. Jomon.

21. please pray for Sabu and his wife Maria, both are working and studying,
and facing many problems to manage both together.

22. please pray for Prejomy's friend subash who is facing trial in the court
on 08.03.03. None of his cause, but for the feud between 2 companies. His
Visa have been expiered but couldn't go out the country 'coz of this. He is
awaiting a Cout order on 08.03.03.

23. please pray for Tiju who is studying for degree and having many problems
in his studying and in Campus, he has no confidence to pass his exams. Tiju.

24. 60 years old Amar Nath, memory lost, and missing from last 27th september
2002, his family requested our prayer supports - Varghese.

25. Fr. Paul Kaiparambadan is struggling his university studies, please pray
for father.

26. please pray for Shone an engineering sutend having some personal
problems. His brother is expecting a visa to go abroad, and he is very sad
about not receiving of any chances. Shone's mother is a Headmistress also
pray for her to perfome her duties at almost satisfactory and happiness. -

Love + Prayers.

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