Written by Mario Bermejo:
Peace seems to be a scant commodity in the world today. I said "seems"
because real peace may be present even in the midst of chaos as the
following anecdote vividly portrays.
The theme chosen for an on-the-spot painting competition was "PEACE". At
stake was honor, fame and cash. Contestants were asked to depict on canvas
as best they could the subject of peace. The artists had the whole day to
work on their pieces - in the evening was the awarding ceremony. The
completed works of art were displayed before the judges, some of whom were
well-known artists themselves. One painting was a country scene in the night
with the moon and stars lighting the cloudless sky. Another painting showed
an old farmhouse with little children gleefully playing around. Another
depicts the tranquillity of a lake reflecting majestic mountains in the
background. Still another portrayed a modern city asleep peacefully in the
midst of a light-gilded landscape. The rest of the paintings were typical of
what people may consider scenes of serenity, quietude and tranquillity.
However, one painting stood out from among the others in that it portrayed a
raging storm in its fury - with a little bird that appeared to be singing as
it found refuge under a huge and mighty rock. The judges were unanimous this
was the best portrayal of what peace really is.
This reminds me of Jesus when He was peacefully asleep while His disciples
were in a state of panic because the boat they were on board was being
buffeted by a storm in the middle of the sea. In fear they woke up their
Master and complained that they were about to sink into the depths of the
sea. Jesus rebuked them and calmed the storm by saying, "Peace, be still".
How could you panic, "Oh, ye of little faith", when the Prince of Peace was
in your midst? 

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