
I am attaching  a reply I got from one of 'my brothers in the Lord' for some
queries I have asked him!! I am not answering this myself because anyone
could find the answer in the 'Catechism of Catholic Church' I am attaching a
clipping here.

Manoj Jons : Cochin/India.

----reply I

> dear brother
> since you know the truth and refuse god's church he created for everyone,
> the only one holy see, if you do not return to the catholic church, then
> there is nothing i can tell you except that i am sad and i want to tell
> not to play with you life and contact a priest and know this is true and
> return to God.
> for god created the holy see upon the 1st pope st.peter and it continues
> those who turn away from it are going away from him and those who go away
> from him are on their way to hell.
> sorry to tell this. but truth is truth. for now that you can see and that
> are not blind, please do not turn your back to the truth and god and his
> teachings.
> my uncle and aunt went to be protestants for silly reasons and all false
> theories they accepted. i tried to reason, make them understand, but even
> when they had all the evidences and all things before them, they did not
> accept. this is nothing but the work of satan.
> thank you
> hoping for your return,
> in the name of jesus christ

----from Catechism of Catholic

817: In fact, "in this one and only Church of God from its very beginnings
there arose certain rifts, which the Apostle strongly censures as damnable.
But in subsequent centuries much more serious dissensions appeared and large
communities became separated from full communion with the Catholic Church -
for which, often enough, men of both sides were to blame." The ruptures that
wound the unity of Christ's Body - here we must distinguish heresy,
apostasy, and schism - do not occur without human sin:

818: "However, one cannot charge with the sin of the separation those who at
present are born into these communities [that resulted from such separation]
and in them are brought up in the faith of Christ, and the Catholic Church
accepts them with respect and affection as brothers .... All who have been
justified by faith in Baptism are incorporated into Christ; they therefore
have a right to be called Christians, and with good reason are accepted as
brothers in the Lord by the children of the Catholic Church."

819: "Furthermore, many elements of sanctification and of truth" are found
outside the visible confines of the Catholic Church: "the written Word of
God; the life of grace; faith, hope, and charity, with the other interior
gifts of the Holy Spirit, as well as visible elements." Christ's Spirit uses
these Churches and ecclesial communities as means of salvation, whose power
derives from the fullness of grace and truth that Christ has entrusted to
the Catholic Church. All these blessings come from Christ and lead to him,
and are in themselves calls to "Catholic unity."

820: "Christ bestowed unity on his Church from the beginning. This unity, we
believe, subsists in the Catholic Church as something she can never lose,
and we hope that it will continue to increase until the end of time." Christ
always gives his Church the gift of unity, but the Church must always pray
and work to maintain, reinforce, and perfect the unity that Christ wills for
her. This is why Jesus himself prayed at the hour of his Passion, and does
not cease praying to his Father, for the unity of his disciples: "That they
may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be
one in us, . . . so that the world may know that you have sent me." The
desire to recover the unity of all Christians is a gift of Christ and a call
of the Holy Spirit.

822: Concern for achieving unity "involves the whole Church, faithful and
clergy alike." But we must realize "that this holy objective - the
reconciliation of all Christians in the unity of the one and only Church of
Christ - transcends human powers and gifts." That is why we place all our
hope "in the prayer of Christ for the Church, in the love of the Father for
us, and in the power of the Holy Spirit."

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