I remember talking to a wonderful man Mr. White ( real name is withheld)
during  my  recent visit to the Gulf countries. He is a good catholic and
at one point I got the feeling that he is more catholic than Christ
himself.  Mr. White has an attitude problem and that is his strict
attitude towards the law.  He is a perfectionist and demands perfection
from his family but he expects forgiveness from God without any condition
and he knows that God forgives every time he asks for forgiveness. 

Mrs. White and their three children  struggled  with Mr. White in a 
hostile family atmosphere. He appeared  pious and holy but his anger and
arrogance at home was phenomenal.  During our communication I  tried to
enable him to be in touch with his feelings but he kept saying  “ But
father, the Church teaches” and at last I said   “think about what does
God say about this” and I send him home with the assignment.  He ret!
urned and said “Please tell me father what  God  says”. I was least
surprised.  We opened the Bible and, I started reading Ps.32.   I said to
myself the following verse might help Mr. White. The message for Mr.
White was  “Happy are those whose crimes are forgiven, Whose sins are
blotted out, happy the man whom the Lord considers sinless” Ps 32.1-2.  

Strict adherence to the law might have made him a blind follower of the
law.  He got tired of following the letter of the law and yet he couldn’t
find a way out of that situation. I mentioned “A person is justified in
Faith and not by doing something that the law prescribes” Romans 3.28. He
stared at me and said “ But father the teaching of the church.” he
continued.   I said to myself “he appears to be more catholic than the
pope”. Law became a monster for him, even  blocking the vision of God and
I said  “God’s love is beyond the law”. H! e listened and that was the
point of salvation for his family.  

We are the beloved and the beautiful handiwork of God. God created us by
his holy hands. “We are God’s work of art” Ep.2.10 and we are conceived
in God, not in man or by man willing it. “God created man in his own
likeness, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created
them”Gen.1.27. God created us and blessed us “God blessed them ”

Man is justified in Christ  

Man is justified by faith in Jesus. “Because it is by grace that you are
saved by faith” Eph 2.9. We are not saved by what the law prescribes. The
law is a good guide. It instructs us about right and wrong. “All that the
law does is to tell us what is sinful” Rom.3.20.  We are educated in the
law. But salvation comes from and through Jesus. “He brought us to life
with Christ” Ep.2.5 “ and gave us a place with him in Heaven, in Christ
Jesus” Ep.2.6. Jesus is the way to the Father in heaven. “Through him,
our way to come to the Father” Eph.18. Jesus is the way to salvation and
happiness. We are “Justified through the free gift of his grace by being
redeemed in Christ Jesus” Romans3.24.   

We have seen that our salvation is not by being strict observers of the
law. When we state that justification is by faith, we do not abolish the
law. Jesus himself said, “I didn’t come to abolish the law but to fulfill
the law”. St. Paul has said that he is not rejecting the law by
establishing salvation by faith in Jesus. Paul has ratified the law. “Do
we mean that faith makes the law pointless? Not at all. We are giving the
Law its true value” Romans 3.31  

Very often we tend to forget that the law is only an instruction. The law
doesn’t by itself guarantee salvation. Justification is in Jesus alone. “
A man is justified by faith and not by doing something the law prescribes”
Rom3.28.  Abraham was justified by faith. “Abraham has put his faith in
God, and this faith was considered as justifying him”Romans.4.3. By his
trust in the Lord, Abraham found justification “ Abraham put his faith in
Yahweh, who counted this as making him justified” Gen.15.6. God is our
point of departure and salvation  is not in the strict observation of the

Coming to our day-to-day lives, many of us follow the letter of the law.
We fail to see the importance of the law. The law is to fulfill the
commands of God. God is love. God is light. God is merciful. God is
forgiving. But we may say, “ I have given you three chances and you
failed. You are out”.  Think about the times we are and were insensitive
to the feelings of the people at our home, by being loyal to the laws. 
Most of the time, the in-fights in our families are because of our
insensitivity to the members in the family. We are very loyal to the laws
although we may not follow them. Many of us appear to be the guar! dians
of the law, not followers of Jesus’ new commandment of love. The laws are
man made. They might help us to attain God if we know that salvation is
in and through Jesus.  I am not discounting discipline in life; rather,
my intention is to appreciate the mercy and goodness of our God. “Love
each other as I have loved you” is the new command of Jesus.  No matter
how many people and worldly law accuses a person, if God doesn’t accuse
us, we are happy. “Happy are those whose crimes are forgiven, whose sins
are blotted out; happy the man whom the lord considers sinless” Ps.32.1  

If God is with us no one could be against us. The law and the regulations
are good but they do not grand us salvation. We are saved only in God. “
But now in Christ, you are brought very close, by the blood of Christ”
Eph.  2.13. I do not in any way discount customs and traditions and
popular beliefs. They are not written off. They are appreciated and they
are given their due importance. Salvation is only in and through Jesus.

 God Bless 

 Fr Thomas Mathew/ May 14th 2002/ USA


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