Dear Friends,
        God has created every one of us with a very beautiful capacity / ability : to 
freely choose. And, if we closely examine, it can be seen that human life is the sum 
total of all the choises that one makes; small and big.
        Deuteronomy 30:15-20 gives a very clear teaching on this capacity for choice. 
The Lord asks each and every one to make this choice very deligently and conscieously. 
God does not compell us for anything. It is the greatest gift that God endows each one 
of us with - freedom: "Freedom to be and freedom to do". So the choices that we make 
are very crucial.
       Read the call to discipleship (Lk.9:22-25) in the light of this gift and 
responsibility of freedom. The Lord is not compeling but offering to fallow him. He 
does not hide any of the risks involved. Then He asks to make the choice.
        Just take our life of a day and analyse it, and we will see how many choices 
we make. In all that we do there is involved a choice. But are we trined to make all 
those choices by default, according to the will of God. Sometimes when we are about to 
make some major decission we may spent more time in prayer and meditation for the 
wisdom of God, which is good. But the same process has to happen in every little 
decisions of our daily life. It needs much training & practice; even daily evaluation 
of all the choices that we made to see if they were truly motivated by the love of 
God. Please take both the above mentioned passages and put them together and meditate 
for 15 minutes on the basis of these thoughts. What are my choices?, what are the 
basis of my choices? Have a blessed Lent.
                            To be contd...........
Fr. Thomas Tharayil
                                                      is available at Shalom 
Publications.May God bless you All-Sajith Antony(Bangalore)
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