The dead vendor at the world trade center


This afternoon I happened to hear from a  boy who were in a shopping
center. The boy and the mother were talking about some issues and that is
the time I passed by them. I heard the boy relating with the mother I am
the one suffering. I am hurt mom. Could you feel my feelings?.  What an
astounding statement from a six-year-old boy whom I knew!


 I stopped by them and appreciated the intelligent statement he made . 


 We are talking about the terrorists attack on the World Trade Center 
the mom tried to  introduce the discussion with a smile and the son  got
hurt as the mom smiled mentioning  the mishap at the World Trade Center 
 I am hurt when I see her smile as I share my hurts about the attack on 
our land.  The boy wanted his mother to show grief as she mentioned the
word  World trade center. A lot of feelings in him.


 This boy is  very hurt  I said to myself.


I found that to be an interesting conversation and I  tried to stay with
these friends. The boys name is  Mathew  whom I call  Matt and his Mom
is Mary. (The names are real).


Matt was in New York city recently with his mom and dad. Mat had a
lighted pen in his pocket. He took that out and showed to me expressing
his sadness.

 I remember the vendor  who sold this pen to me. He might be dead today.
He was nice to me and even gave me a small gift.  When Matt said this,
Mary his mother turned around and gave him a hug. I heard her say to him
I love you my son. I know it hurts you.


 Thank you mom. You are so good. I love you  was the response from
Matt.  He was happy that the mom changed her behavior and shared his
pain.  I think this is what our children are asking us to do. We need to
listen to them instead of giving them advise all the time. Matt and his
friends were talking about this event at school and the teachers did
spend some time  explaining to them about the mishap at new York City. 
Matt was able to share the pain of the whole world at this mishap because
he knew someone in New York who  might be dead today and that hurts him
and that is the vendor who was kind to him. 


My reflection


I for myself am not sure if the vendor at the World trade center is alive
or dead but  this boy feels for him thinking that he might be dead.  I
herd the boy say

 The World Trade Center is gone. I saw that in the T.V.

But I am going to keep this pen and the hat my dad bought for me from 
Manhattan. an amazing way for the boy to remember  the  tragic event!!



As I was walking home, I started to feel what this little boy felt. I
thought about the many people who might be buried in the rubbles. I
Remember going up the World Trade Center last year some time and  I
started to  dust off my memories about the many people who were atop the
building who might be burned alive or jumped from the windows almost  <th
of a mile from the ground.   Oh that was a sickening thought.


The beautiful view of the Empire State building, the Hudson River, the
Statue of Liberty and the entire Manhattan area and many other amazing
views flashed through my memory. The view is there but the venue to view
them had changed.  It shocked me to think, It could have happened when I
was there. I could have been atop the building .


I dont know if the person who was trading when Matt went there was there
today. But it is a possibility that he might have been there or someone
else was there trading something else.  I thought about the cafeteria and
the people who traded  atop the building,  on the view deck. There were
many people who worked in that building who either jumped off of the
building or came down with the building.   I wonder if anyone escaped
from the view deck.  The many tourists and even the people who may have
served  Pizza for little Matt might be gone.  The smiling faces of tho!
se poor and innocent people I wont be able to see again.  I cant take
another photograph from the top of that building, I wont get a
photograph taken by their photographer as  we line up to get into the 
elevator. As I remember, the elevator in that building was one of the
fastest and yet quietest.


All those people who are employed on top of the World trade Center are


 It would have been a very sad day for me  and my family if my cousin who
came from the middle east to see the Americas went on top of the building
yesterday.  He landed in Philadelphia and was planning to go to New York
yesterday but his brother in law  couldnt  be absent from work yesterday
and that saved his life. I called Shaji and his  in laws in Philadelphia.
Many of you may have family and or friends in new York, Washington and
the related areas.


I was surprised to read in the Deepika, yesterday about that Vincent and
Appu and his mom. They were my guests in California, some time back and 
I was their guest too as he studied in Nevada University. 


As I was talking with many friends, yesterday in New York  and
Washington, I shared their pain.


Little Matt couldnt figure out how this is done and  why. He cannot
conceive of hatred yet.  He thinks it is

an act of God, like the earth Quakes and Tornados. He thinks about the
many  people  who could still be alive among the rubbles. He asked me how
to rescue them.

Why God did this he asked me.

 It is peoples act not Gods  I said top him briefly.


If I were  grown up , I could have dug these people from the rubbles, 
Matt said and I think that the mom might have liked that.


The boy said  If I were grown up and I started to think what I could do
at this juncture and that prompted me to sit and type my feelings. I
thought of sharing my feelings as I heard many people share their
feelings yesterday. I thought my sharing of this incident might enable
some people who read this to share their fears and  related feelings  and
might help them to be healed. Some of us might say  There is no need to
share the feelings. I would say that we need to share our fears and
related  feelings for inner healing.


Peoples memories are vivid and that hurts.  I am hurt to see all these
people vanish into nothing. As I watched the Television this evening, I
was shocked to see the  cold blooded and pre meditated massacre committed
by some evil people.  It is sinful. It cannot be justified.  Injustice
cannot be justified no matter how great the motive might be. I know the
end does not justify the means. Some people might think that no mater
what we try as long as the end result is good, that is ok. For such
people to see this brutality  in New York and Washington and Pensylvania
might be enough to open their eyes.  For me the end result cannot justify
the means that could be employed to achieve the end.  This  human error 
could be retaliation or this could be the result of anger and hatred.


 I think similar things trigger another world war could happen . All
because of anger and hatred in people. All because of our dysfunction. 
If we dont manage anger, that would mismanage our lives and that could
destroy the whole world.


The dead people are gone but the living people, that is us live in the
shadow of death as  we read in psalm 23 which was reiterated by president
Bush.  God alone is our refuge and in Him we find hope. I think it is
helpful to recite the Psalm 23.


I think none of the people who died or lost their limps and permanently
disabled, crippled,  due to this accident were aware of this kind of a
disaster as they left home.


Think about the hundreds of innocent passengers on board the jet liners
who were also sacrificed. The agony those passengers and the crew members 
suffered seeing their friends stabbed to death and their fear as the jets
loosing altitude and horribly hitting the towers and the ground.


They were not able to say goodbye to their families and friends. I am
sure there were many unsettled matters in the minds of many of them.


When some of them left home, they may have painful agendas in mind.  Some
of them might have been harboring anger, even hatred, and  I wonder how
many of them got a chance to talk with their opponents and even family
members whom they loved or hated or were angry at. Everyone perished.


This morning I was talking to Mr Paul Cyriac, a  good friend. Mr. Paul
mentioned to me  we need to give flowers when we can. But often we offer
flowers in the cemeteries not to the people when they are alive I do
appreciate the commend of my friend Paul Cyriac.



I do appreciate Matt who was unhappy at his mom as his mom seemed to be
insensitive to his pain.


Matt remembered even the venders and he carries the pen that
automatically lights up as he writes. His memory is fresh because he had
been to the World Trade Center recently.  He said   I am going to keep
this pen forever as a memory of the center



Forgiveness  and justice.


This deplorable, tragic event that struck America   could have been
avoided if there was forgiveness in the mind of a person who is behind
the seen. Many of us might be going through similar events in lives. We
might be angry at each other.  I am sure that many of you may remember
cold-blooded murder as a result of hatred.


Jesus invites us to forgive each other  and to forgive unconditionally.
Forgive so that peace might reign in our hearts. When we forgive, our
children like Matt wouldnt  hurt. Often times children learn from
parents. If we teach them to harbor hatred, sooner or later they will
take out that anger at us.  In our families parents might be angry at one
another and they might be using the children to vent their feelings,
being they themselves are unable to vent their feelings of anger,
frustration etc. I think such parents will be answerable before our Dear
God for intention! ally or otherwise polluting the minds of the innocent
children, inflicting severe wounds in them.


I will invite all those who read this, to spend a moment in silence and
say a short prayer with me. It is a[rayer for the people who perished in
the mishap.


Eternal rest grant unto them Oh Lord,

Let Perpetual light shine on them


May they rest in peace?

May their souls and the souls of all the faithful  departed Rest In




God Bless you.

Fr.Thomas Mathew

California, USA

September 11/2001


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