Hey everyone! How are you? I just wanted to share about my missions trip to Mexico. Last week was my Spring Break and I went to Tijuana, Mexico with a priest, a nun, a lay person, and 22 other catholic college students. It was an AWESOME experience!
We left last Saturday (March 8) from BWI (Baltimore, Washington International) to San Diego, where we then rented vans and drove done to Mexico. It was a total shock when we entered Mexico. As we got closer to the orphanage that we were staying at, I just felt so horrible and I was thinking, what did I get myself into? The roads, (actually they weren't even roads) were horrible. The ride was very bumpy! (It was like the roads in India, but I think they were even worse). We got to the orphanage late and just went to bed. The next morning we woke up and headed to the work site. Our project was to help build a dental clinic. (The dentist who is going to use the building is an Indian Hindu woman. She gives up her time and money to come down from California to help the children of Mexico.) We did a lot of painting and we also got to help with the roof. We put the walls up and used putty to fix the holes and flatten the walls. We got to go to a Spanish Mass on Sunday. The church was just being built. It had the basic 4 walls and an altar and some chairs. It still needed a roof and windows. What was amazing was how the church was so full. They didnt have enough chairs and people were standing around. There were so many children. In America we have space in church, put not enough people, but in Mexico, we have the people, but no space in church. We also had morning and evening prayer.
When our work was done for the day, we got to go back to the orphanage and shower. Sometimes the water stopped on people mid way through their showers. Sometimes people had to take very cold showers. But for some reason, God blessed me with great showers =) (No problems what so ever.) We all had dinner with the children. Mexicans eat similar foods like us Indians, but they eat a lot of beans!
The children made me happy. I didnt think about school or any of my worries. I looked at them and I realized that I am truly blessed. Some of them have parents (their parents can not afford to raise them), who come to visit them during the weekend and take them home during the weekend and then bring them back. Some have siblings that also live at the orphanage. But the majority of the kids are orphans. These kids have a special bond with each other. They share and help each other.
We also got to visit another orphanage. It was run by the Augustian Mission. This orphanage had little babies. There was one baby that was a crack baby that was only a couple of weeks old. There was one boy who was 10 years old who has been with them since he was born who was basically brain dead. He couldnt see or hear that well.
We got to visit Rosarito, Mexico for a day. They had this cool market place and it was quit amusing. At the end of our trip we got to visit San Diego, CA also. It is a beautiful city.
So now I am back safe and sound. Praise God! The one thing that I learned from this trip was to have a greater appreciation for what I have. You should really see some of the places where these people live. They are lucky just to have 4 walls around them. I think the next time I complain about my house, I will think twice. I am blessed with parents who are given the ability to raise me. I am also blessed to have an education. Children in Mexico can study for free until they are 12. The poverty in this country is very sad. You might be thinking how can God do this to them. Yet he made you and me to help people like this. You are given many talents. Use them for the LORD! NEVER think twice about donating your MONEY and TIME for GOD! God will ask you- When I was Hungry did you Feed Me? When I was Thirsty did you give Me something to Drink? I truly saw Jesus in these children. They didnt complain; they were content with what they had. Are we all content with what the Lord gave us? Sorry I didnt mean to make this sound like I was preaching.
If any of you are given the opportunity to help serve the poor, please do it. We dont have to go to a different country. There are homeless shelters, orphanages, Habitat for Humanity, etc. in the cities we all live in. I think we all need to put our faith into practice. Start practicing what you preach! We all have attended so many retreats; it is time that we go through a different retreat of serving people. You will not regret it!

Sorry this was so long. Thanks for taking your time to read this. Please pray for the children and for the people that serve them full time in the orphanage I stayed in. Pray for all missionaries around the world.

May God bless all of you! You are all in my prayers!

Love and Prayers in Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Philadelphia, PA


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