Yes ...Its high time got  out of my Hiding  hole to
comment on some mail..I guess the winter in Mumbai has
got to me & so i have got lazy .
As I was thinking on what to write on Joynet ,the day
before yesterday ...I happen to see a smiling face at
the prayer meeting with his Proud parents.
& there clicked my Subject for Joynet.
My comments on  RAVI VAZ ..
Cos  it was none other than our own Ravi with his
People used to say the world is small ..& I agreed to
the same ..when I first met Ravi Vaz 
I used to hear abt him from different people all the
time & yes i meet him in  an exotic way.Busy
practicing Hymns  at Irma's wedding.
He looked a snob at first sight..I perceived to keep a
distance from him such a character .
But when he invited me for the Wedding March all my
fears dimished then .Poor Guy had to bear up with me
stamping his shoes all the time....
That taught me another  bIg lesson in life .".No 
Judging a person on looks" .....
He then came on joynet .marveled us all with his
inspiring  comments ..... Praise God!!
This young Boy was Officially commissioned last Sunday
along with another Joynetter  Irma  to preach Gods
Lets congratulate him for the great responsibility God
has placed on his shoulders & also assure him of  all
our prayers .
He promised me for a Treat &  if anyone desires for
the same should contact him on [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
cos he says "Ask & it should be given unto u "
Your Sister 


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