Hello family,

Hope you all had nice time praying for our family intention last week.I didn;t
see any body sharing any thing on that,what happened?

For us in Chicago it was a great experience. Some of us in our service team
used to pray in the morning over phone for some time (Siju, Jose, Georgee,
Manoj and Sunil) before they start their personel prayer. We wives also join
them . This is just to get a boost for our personel prayer..and to see to it
that nobody misses their Prayer time.
Siju will be on his way to church (before going to  work),driving the car...So
he starts the chain from his cell phone at around 6.15 am EST by calling Jose
and the chain ends with Dr. Manoj Neriamparambil. This comes often as a wake
up call for myself  who still would very much like to curl under my comforter
,in this bone chilling weather which reached even -23 C last week!!!.
We could pray for 15 minutes or so that day especially for the intention
around 6.30 am(6.00 pm in India)
After that while i went on with my personel prayer ,i was  thanking God with
great joy for this great opportunity to pray with thousands around the world
same time.

And about us who were born in India , had we ever thought that we'll be doing
such things years later together in another part of the world  !!!!! ??????? .
Praise the Lord and Thanks to the technology.

......and to Him who is able to accomplish far more than all we ask or
imagine, by the power at work within us,to Him be glory in the church and in
Christ Jesus to all generations,forever and ever. Amen.

       -Ephes 3:20.

Any suggestions for our next prayer day?

In joyful communion,

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