Some time back there was some discussions on occult practices like
pranic healing.
There were some questions whether it's good or bad.
I got this article from Shalom.

If you have a little  time visit



Annie Beasant is widely known as the person who
was responsible for building a common
agenda in India and Europe about the freedom
struggle. She was well known as the co-founder
of the Benares Hindu University and the
Theosophical Society. It was she who rendered a
theoretical explanation for the mysterious and
philosophical branch of occultism, which did not
have any particular theoretical basis till then,
and made it generally acceptable to the modern

The word 'Occultism' means mysterious, magical,
paranormal, etc. Something that is
inaccessible to the ordinary people, esoteric
knowledge made available only to a selected few,
the way to obtain and practice it, etc are some
other meanings that may be given to the word
'occultism'. Till the twentieth century, occult
groups worked very secretly. Only those prepare
specially and conduct certain rituals can enter
such groups. Interacting with the divine through
divine knowledge, transcendental power, contact
with the spirit world, understanding the secret
of creation and life, etc are the objects of these
occult organizations. Almost all occult
organizations believe in reincarnation.

Many are attracted to the occult by the healings
and miracles done using occult power. People
who yearn for transcendental and extraordinary
experiences are easily carried away by such
philosophies. In the modern world occult knowledge
is being proliferated as Metaphysics,
Parapsychology, Theosophy, Transcendental
Knowledge, Eastern Mysticism, Alterative
Medicine, etc. Occult literature and meditation
courses have turned into big businesses
exploiting the uncertainty and void present in the
modern man's life. As the occult has exposed
itself to the world, unlike to that of the last
century, the name itself has lost its significance.
Occultism can be called as an unscientific science
or an unspiritual spirituality.
All occult knowledge is based on the 'chakras' of
the human body. Through the seven energy
centers, from the basic chakra (Kundalini is said
to be asleep here) located at the base of the
spine to the crown chakra located at the crown of
the head, we not only obtain healing and
other mystical experiences but also enter the
mystical outer world distinct from the natural. If
the Kundalini is awakened and rises from the basic
chakra to the crown chakra we attain
enlightenment. We would become another Buddha.
Then there would not be any difference
between God and us. Or simply, I am God.

Today's people are attracted to occultism through
the occult treatment methods. Gem therapy,
Rudraksha therapy, Pranic healing, Reiki, Crystal
healing, Astral therapy and Aromatherapy
are the major occult treatment methods. The basic
theory of these treatment methods is that
the chakras in the body and the energy body around
the physical body can be healed by the
energy from other human bodies, rudraksha, gems
and certain planets. Occult philosophy
teaches that the activation of the energy centers
that control and energize the vital organs of
the body would lead to spiritual contentment and
complete physical healing.

It is true that every object has an energy body
and a magnetic centre. But it is doubtful about
its ability to heal. For instance let us consider
Pranic Healing. The theory that it is due to the
damage in the energy body around the physical body
that causes illness is absolutely wrong. It
is equal to saying that the absence of light
extinguished the fire. Actually it is because the fire
was put out that the light died out. Similarly we
wouldn't say that because the leaves dried, the
roots of the plant died. Here the treatment is to
be done for the roots and not for the leaves.
When the root gains life the leaves become
healthy. Similarly it is a physical ailment that
causes depletion or pores in the energy body.
Therefore a healing through the strengthening or
recovering of the energy body by means of another
person's life force without treating the
physical problem would not stay. Consider headache
that may occur due to a number of
reasons. When a headache occurs due to gas
trouble, nervous problem, eye sickness, etc.
resulting in a crack to the energy body around the
body, would the physical body or the energy
body be treated? When the physical body gets
healed the energy body would also recover.
Energy body does not need a separate treatment.

Then what about the healing got through Pranic
healing? Healing may occur through the many
sessions of counseling, faith building advices and
prayer. But in the healing sessions
conducted by people like Mr.Choa Kok Sui, the
propounder of Pranic healing, and others occult
power is used. They have made it clear through
their books that they conduct every kind of
esoteric and mysterious rituals.

Those who pursue the "Arhatic Yoga", advised for
Pranic healers, will have spirit guides to help
them in their profession. Healings and miracles
are possible through these spirit guides.
Another danger with Pranic healing is that we are
making ourselves slave to another person's
power. As we stay in the energy center of another
person for a very long time through the many
sessions without any protection, evil powers also
can enter us like the good powers. If the
Pranic healer is not a good person the impurity or
magical influences in that person may enter
us too. The massaging that the Pranic healer does
may bring us to the influence of hypnotism.
Therefore Pranic healing cannot be acknowledged as
a scientific treatment method. All occult
treatment methods have a bit of science along with
exaggerated and subdued explanations
based on that. But the real danger is that these
treatment methods are channels to lead
ordinary people to the dangerous world of occult
knowledge and a good example for this being
Pranic healing.

It was in the process of propagating the books on
Pranic healing that the books of the largest
occult organization in the world, The Theosophical
Society, spread widely in Christian circles.
When the books of a banned occult organization's
books are bought and sold and full-page
advertisements are given in their publications in
the name of a catholic hospital's association,
what consideration are they giving to the
teachings of the Church? This is because of loving this
world's knowledge than the Word of God. If proper
control were not brought upon the fantasy on
Eastern mysticism and occult treatment methods, it
would be dangerous for the Church in the

Benny Punnathara.

Giju George
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