Hello Family,
I think if we could use the word 'Divine providence' instead of Fate and
'Blessed' instead of lucky,it conveys much .

Regarding Manoj's question of approaching some body who could say about past
present etc...
Jesus has told us ..."For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will
show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the
elect.-Mat 24:24

Let's see how St.Paul himself dealt with such a situation..
Please read The following experience St.Paul had at Philippi.Let the word of
God speak to our heart.

It happened that as we were going to the place of prayer, a slave-girl having
a spirit of divination met us, who was bringing her masters much profit by
fortune-telling.Following after Paul and us, she kept crying out, saying,
"These men are bond-servants of the Most High God, who are proclaiming to you
the way of salvation." She continued doing this for many days. But Paul was
greatly annoyed, and turned and said to the spirit, "I command you in the name
of Jesus Christ to come out of her!" And it came out at that very moment. But
when her masters saw that their hope of profit was gone, they seized Paul and
Silas and dragged them into the market place before the authorities,
                     - Acts 16:16-19.

This is in contrast with the gift of Prophecy given by the Holy Spirit ,which
helps to build the church.
(Cf : 1 Corinthians  chapter 12)

The early christians still had so many situations like this ,lets learn how
they managed these situations....let these occasions be time for us to preach
Goodnews to them...Let them know the truth and the truth alone will let them

Coversion of Simon the Sorcerer   Acts 8:9-13
What happened to Elymas   Acts 13:6-12
Conversion of many others who were doing such stuff   Acts 19:13-19

For those who have time and want to go deep here are some Biblical references

That it was forbidden even from Old Testament times  Lev 19:26-28,31; 20:6;
Deu 18:9-14
These verses show how it was denounced by OT people  Isa 8:19; Mal 3:5 ,
These verses speak of Astrologers Jer 10:2; Mic 3:6,7 and these about false
prophets  Jer 14:14; 27:9; 29:8,9; Eze 13:6-9; 22:28;

That's all  i've for the time being. Hope more people may contribute more.

In Joyful communion,

----- Original Message -----
From: "manoj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi
> I am for the time sending a mail to JOYNET
> I have a query
> In my flat one guy came with one of my friends. He seems to be capable of
> saying our past and future.All except me went to him and asked abt. them.He
> says that he can tell just by seeing you. He uses Numerology,astrology,
> And he told that he got that gift from a guru when he visited a temple.And
> some thing is wrong with u then he will tell why it is like that and will
> some solution for that.Some ime he will pray and give a coin to u to keep
> in the wallet.
> i am confused whether it is right to goto him and ask abt. me.
> Can somebody help
> With love and prayers
> Manoj

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