BIRZEIT, West Bank, FEB. 10, 2002 ( Homes in the Palestinian 
city of Birzeit have become Stations of the Cross, given the difficulty of 
Christians going to Jerusalem to pray.

This experience, in a city with one of the most important Palestinian 
universities, is already producing spiritual fruits, Father Abouna Iyad Twal 
of Regina Pacis Church told ZENIT.

This special way of praying the Stations of the Cross is reminding every 
family of Birzeit of Christ's love in these "difficult times," in which each 
one of them has a "painful story" or life experience to tell, the priest 

With this initiative, we "are experiencing a great spiritual lesson that, 
regardless of the pain and the hard time we experience in our daily lives, 
we have a mission to accomplish, a faith to believe in, and God's love to 
share and make his love real in our daily lives," he added.

Father Twal said the initiative has been very positive. People "were waiting 
in the houses to pray and keep the candle of hope lit so that one day we 
will celebrate the Resurrection," he said.

The parish priest appealed to Catholics in other places "to continue with us 
on this path and pray with us that one day we will realize our dream of 
justice and a peaceful life in the 'Land of Absent Peace.'"

Taken from


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