Dear Friends in Christ Jesus,

Pls pray for Fr.Thomas` mother who needs an immediate bypass surgery.In a
test 3 blocks were found and one is 90% and Father went back to US today
at 5.00pm .

He has done his duty here to instill in us the love for Christ during his
15 days stay over here.

It was during our disciplesship training programme ,his brother informed
the test result,so he decided to go back to be with her during the time
of operation.We are so thankfull to him for the days he spent with us and
many days it was a tight schedule for him.

His joyfull presence was a motivation for us and he too got a real
encounter with Jesusyouth and its working style....

Dear Father today we gathered and prayed especially for your
mother....and we concluded our DTP....

You will be in our prayers

[IMAGE]keep in touch[IMAGE] Love from Jesus & Dexon.


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