Bless Me Lord, 
With Your patience each day. 
Help me deal with others, 
Showing Your love in every way. 
Let the things that irritate me, 
Seem like nothing in Your light, 
And let the time I spend each day, 
Seem worth it in Your sight. 
Let anger, worry, and fear 
In Your love diminish fast, 
And let the joy in You, I feel, 
Grow and forever last. 
Protect my family every day 
Any where that we might be, 
And lead us in Your loving way 
Until Your glory we see. 
To those who try to hurt us, 
Lord, keep them far away. 
Heal us, and fill us 
Build our home in Your special way. 
Make our lives a glowing example 
Of all that You can do 
When we let You take control 
And remain true to You. 
And Lord, if there be 
Anything You see in me, 
That will hinder this day, 
>From being all that it should be, 
Then cleanse me and change 
The part that needs renewed, 
And show me once again, Lord, 
How to live for You. 
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