Re: [JOYnet] Questions

2002-07-25 Thread JASON :)

Dear JYs,

Recently on BBC when Nick Griffin was asked to comment on Role played by
Jews in Media, he had this comment.

Even when the mass media consisted mainly of newspapers, and only a small
minority read those newspapers, this power was considerable. Today, when it
embraces mass-circulation newspapers and television, it is colossal beyond

And we must not forget another fact about the media. Their political
influence extends far beyond newspaper reports and articles, and television
programmes, of a direct political nature - connected, that is, with current
affairs that bear upon politics. In a much more subtle way, they can
influence people's thought patterns by other means: newspaper stories, pages
dealing with entertainment and popular culture, movies, TV 'soaps',
'educational' programmes, popular music: all these types of fare help form
human values, concepts of good and evil, right and wrong, sense and nonsense
and what is 'fashionable' and 'unfashionable.' These human value systems, in
turn, shape people's attitude to political issues, influence how they vote
and therefore determine who holds political power.

Even though Nick Griffin refers to political power, what Idea he generally
did put across was that Media in whatever form can affect people's attitude
and decision making of an individual and at times can even be motivational.
I think Rosemary this summarises the impact that any adverse music can have
on us. Intentionally u may not be listening to it, but still u are grooving
to its mere presence.

urs in faith


If you feel dog tired at night, maybe it's because you growled all day!

- Original Message -
From: Rosemary Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 10:40 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] Questions

 Hi everyone...

 I know I've been rather quiet, (not that I'm otherwise noisy ) but I have
a question which I hope will be answered. I have been trying to figure it
out but cant quite.
 First, we had a discussion on rock music and how it was bad and how it was
used by satan worshippers and all that. I did go thru that. Now I have a
problem. We sometimes have parties here on Saturday nights, just to enjoy
ourselves and let off all the stress that builds up...(and believe me..
there is alot of work pressure). So we go there and dance basically. I enjoy
dancing and enjoy the parties. But at some pt, they tend to put rock music.
Since I dont listen to rock, I dont know the songs well and I dont know what
they are saying ie the lyrics... but maybe they are bad. Wld it be wrong to
dance to those songs and enjoy myself? Or shd I not when those songs are
playing? Pls give advice.

 Guess that's all now... otherwise.. I must say Joynet is going strong and
giving me lots of input... thanks to everyone for that. Take care all of you
and God bless.
 Love, Rosemary (Goa).
 Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

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[JOYnet] Questions

2002-07-23 Thread Rosemary Thomas

Hi everyone... 

I know I've been rather quiet, (not that I'm otherwise noisy ) but I have a question 
which I hope will be answered. I have been trying to figure it out but cant quite. 
First, we had a discussion on rock music and how it was bad and how it was used by 
satan worshippers and all that. I did go thru that. Now I have a problem. We sometimes 
have parties here on Saturday nights, just to enjoy ourselves and let off all the 
stress that builds up...(and believe me.. there is alot of work pressure). So we go 
there and dance basically. I enjoy dancing and enjoy the parties. But at some pt, they 
tend to put rock music. Since I dont listen to rock, I dont know the songs well and I 
dont know what they are saying ie the lyrics... but maybe they are bad. Wld it be 
wrong to dance to those songs and enjoy myself? Or shd I not when those songs are 
playing? Pls give advice. 

Guess that's all now... otherwise.. I must say Joynet is going strong and giving me 
lots of input... thanks to everyone for that. Take care all of you and God bless.
Love, Rosemary (Goa).
Yahoo! Health - Feel better, live better

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