Hi  Braduke(and all others),

I liked your answer to Suresh's doubt.
What you said is right...   Our faith which we have experienced
in our life cannot be shaken by mere logic or human made proofs.

Braduke, why don't you write more about you??   We will be
happy to know more about you.  It is nice to have you in our JOYnet.

Let's not feel bad when somebody come up with strange doubts.
Having doubt is the proof that one is searching the truth....and searching
Having doubt is the beginning of learning.
Sharing doubts in such a forum like JOYnet shows that he has the guts to
go for the truth+ACEAIQAhACE-  I like such people, for they are the prophets of

Suresh, I remember reading a book some years back which gave lot of
historical and scientific proofs that Jesus lived on Earth.   It gave
interesting perspective from Jews' , Islam and etheists'  points of view
on this topic and its counter arguments with proof establishing Jesus was
really a historical person.   For me, it is difficult to explain all these
points through
a mail.   (May be we can talk it out when we meet next time)

Mathew Joseph,
Bangalore, India.

----- Original Message -----
From: +ACI-Braduke R.R+ACI- +ADw-braduke+AEA-usa.net+AD4-
To: +ACI-Suresh Kumar T. Jose+ACI- +ADw-suresh+AEA-dynaweb.lk+AD4AOw- 
Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2002 4:02 AM
Subject: Re: +AFsAWw-JOYnet+AF0- HIiiiii+AF0-

+AD4- Hello Suresh,
+AD4- Let me try to clarify your doubt with a simple example. Suppose you fell
+AD4- from a height of let us say 3m. Your leg bone broke. That+IBk-s truth, that
+AD4- know. But somebody is coming with a proof. And telling that your bone didn
+AD4- break. The proof can be like this,
+AD4- Height +AD0- 3m
+AD4- Weight of your body +AD0- 50kg
+AD4- Acceleration due to gravity +AD0- 9.81m/(s+ACo-s)
+AD4- Change in energy +AD0- 1.5KJ
+AD4- Max allowable energy that can withstand by bone +AD0- 10KJ
+AD4- So he gave a final conclusion as, the bone didn+IBk-t get enough energy to
+AD4- break, and it didn+IBk-t break.
+AD4- But Suresh, by seeing this proof, can you believe that your bone didn+IBk-t
+AD4- break? You can+IBk-t, right? Hope you got the answer. Suresh, even if somebody
+AD4- is coming with lot of arguments and proofs telling that nobody called
+AD4- lived, no one can believe that. You have one mother, like the same way
+AD4- is true. And one more thing I would like to make you attention. I am very
+AD4- to see your mail. Because even a person is very worse in believing God, he
+AD4- will never ask a question like this. Doubts are good, but creating doubt
+AD4- the truth and finding proof for them have no sense.
+AD4- God bless you,
+AD4- Braduke.R.R.

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