Dear All,
    I am forwarding the e-mail from Jyothini (an animator of the JY in the USA) as a 
balanced outlook on the current situation. The debate was on both in the JYA list and 
the Joy Net.
    Being Christians, we have established our position which is clearly alongside the 
Pope John Paul II.
What else should we do?
    For one, we should pray. It is the most powerful weapon we can use. Also, remember 
that we are not fighting against mere flesh and blood, but against the powers of 
darkness that dwell in the heavenly regions.
    In stead of merely protesting against all that is evil, we should be proactive and 
try to eradicate the root causes, such as injustice etc. We could try to become more 
just in our behavior and dealings with others and the society. There are thousand and 
one ways to do that in our lives.
    Another thing we can do as a group of people who possess a lot of talents and 
capabilities is to try to evangelize the audio-visual media in all its forms. We could 
do a lot by creating good music, shows, cartoons, stories, novels, movies, computer 
games, comic strips, shows etc. and replace the violent and immoral stuff that is 
abundant in the audio-visual media that promotes violence and immorality in the 
people, especially the young and the little ones.

Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Kurian Nellikunnel, new Jersey, USA


> Dear JY's
>  There are many sides to this war. We can debate it as much as we want. We are 
> allowed to have a difference of opinions.
> As I watch T.V and listen to the news, I am really saddened by the situation also.
>       I remember the first war, I was about 14, it was before I really knew the 
> Lord. I remember my dad, my mom and my sister sitting in front of the T.V. Even 
> though the war  was so far away, I felt like it was right outside. I went to the 
> room where we usually pray and sat before the Lord and just cried. This time as my 
> husband watch T.V, I went to Lord, the Lord who offered us peace, at the moment he 
> was born and throughout His Life till the moment he ascended into heaven,  the Lord 
> who even today offers us peace and  begged him to give us that
> peace.
>     When I went to India, for college, in 1996, many of my roommates were from 
> Kuwait. They shared with me their experience. I was really shocked. I never knew how 
> much they had to go through. As we sit and debate, our fellow brothers and sisters 
> are hiding and running for the lives. Many families are being separated while we are 
> sleeping. Meanwhile, we are safe and secure, going about our daily business, school, 
> work...etc.
>   I don't know whose side is right. We can only see and hear what is said and shown 
> to us. But our Lord knows the hearts and minds of our leaders. Trust in Him.  Please 
> pray for the people of Iraq and neighboring nations. Pray for the soldiers and their 
> families on both sides. Pray for all the leaders, especially Bush and Saddam. Pray 
> for the end of this war and  the re-establishment of peace.
> God bless us all
> Jyothni, NY

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