Dear friends,

Sebastian quoted:

Imagine you found a beautiful girl. You liked her and want to get married
with her. You passed this message to her, and she also agreed it. Then you
prayed to the Lord, _Lord help me to get married with her_. But the Lord
says, my dear son, I have already selected somebody else for you, so please
forget her.

If God says you can carry on , then what is the problem? The important part
is our attitude. If Christ is our central person and we ready to accept His
will. That is the important factor.

We are talking about love marriage and arranged marriage.  90% of the
arranged marriages we are giving priority to colour, beauty, financial back
ground, family status, dowry etc.  rather than Gods wish.  We can call it

Married life, Priesthood any occasion we need preparation. For priesthood
they are spending more than 10 years.
If a boy and girl build up their relation in a matured manner, healthy in
every respect looking for marital status I feel it is OK.
                We shared the cases, which is not fulfilling. If a nun or
priest come out of their orientation time without their mistakes, is it Sin?
Same way we can think about a good affair become failure

 You are not getting attracted with everyone. You are not thinking about an
affair with all the attracted persons. I remember Fr. Paul Thelakkats one
class. It was a youth programme. He commented about the specialty of man.
The capacity to take decision. Only humanbeing (he/she) can say I should
marry this boy or girlFor animals they dont have Yes/ No attitude. So this
is Gods special gift for the human being. If we can take decisions for the
Glory of God who will come against us? St. Paul says: If God is for us, who
can be against us? ( Romans 8:31)
         Another point. What is love? Love sanctifies and leads to
salvation. The relation which sanctifies both of you and leads to the
deepens of salvation then it is great.  We have to proclaim this essence of
love to the world. We have to convey this message to our youth. Then others
can realize what is true love affair.

We started our discussion with Valentine Day. We commented about
commercialization. Before blaming the world admit our mistakes. We ( Church)
are always behind the world in all areas. Just think about our festivals,
pilgrim centers? Within the circle  we can find out lot of failures When we
will come on driver seat  as the light of the world?

Prayers & love
Jose Kuriakose  Bahrain

NB: I agree with most of the mails which give insights to be holy.

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