Dear Cyprian,
    I was actually forwarding a mail by  Josun Jose/New Delhi. He is the
one that deserves the credit. There are a whole bunch of youth like him
in the Jesus Youth network. I am an adult animator in the United States
for the Jesus Youth of America. I would recommend the Jesus youth
network to you. The welcoming team will give you all the info about the
network and Jesus Youth movement.
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Kurian Nellikunnel, Princeton, New Jersey, USA.

chukwunedum okeke wrote:

> Dear Kurian,
> It's nice to know someone like u exists.  Could I get
> to know more about you as regards whom u are.  For
> starters, I am 25 yrs,a graduate of Mech/Prodn. Engrg,
> a male, single for now.  I am a Nigerian who has the
> fear of God & who loves Him above all things.
> I desire the fellowship of Christians who believe in
> the undeniable Lordship of Jesus Christ, His victory
> over sin & the newness  of life in Him only.
> I really would love to establish a relationship
> founded in Him "cos it's by His Mercies & Grace, we
> owe our existence to Him.
> Take care of yourself.
> In Him
> Cyprian Okeke(Kano, Nigeria)
> NB: My birthday is on the 9th of March .
>  --- Kurian Nellikunnel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
> A couple of months back I reckon, I had received a
> > mail in Joynet, from Priya Joy, cochin.this was regarding preaching
> the Word of
> > God to all creatures.
> > Josun Jose/New Delhi

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