[JOYnet] Re: thanks for the prayers

2003-03-31 Thread Bincy Abraham

i just wanted to say thank you for all your prayers for the Retreat here in 
Chicago and i know without a doubt your prayers helped contribute to the 
success of the retreat!!! this last weekend was just an amazing experience 
of the showering of much blessings, grace, peace and joy the magnitude 
in attendance was tremendous!!! the HOLY SPIRIT was on FIRE!!! Fr. Valooran, 
Glen and Teresa were just such powerful instruments of GOD and we felt so 
blessed and anointed to be in their presence!!! the proclamation of the WORD 
of GOD was powerful and the healing service was annointed time where many 
hearts were converted, inner wounds mended, and the person was made whole 
with all emptiness filled!!! Praise GOD!!!

Luv n Prayers, Bincy :=) Chicago

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[JOYnet] Re: thanks

2003-02-16 Thread Bincy Abraham
Hi friends,

i know that Feb 15 is over and the topic of thanks has come to a close... 
but if i did not write this, i would feel really bad ever since the 
topic came up, i have been able to look back at my life, and i know without 
a doubt that the Holy Spirit had planted a thought into my mind and heart 
and if i did not share it, i would not be loyal to the SPIRIT!!!

it is so clear that in my life--- who i was.. am.. and will be, where i have 
been..where i am...where i will be going, what i have done..what i am 
doing..what i will be doing--- all that I am is due to the blessings, 
graces, and mercies of my Lord, Savior and Friend--Jesus  and my faith 
life and spiritual renewal-- the desire planted in me by the Holy Spirit to 
KNOW, LOVE, and SERVE Jesus-- is all through the intercession of my BLESSED 

Sindhu had once told me that we need to pray and be prayed for inorder for 
our faith life to be more fruitful i know that since i was a child, the 
ladies in my life have been very faithful and devoted to Mother Mary--my 
grandmothers and my own mommy! when i had a problem growing up (and even 
today), my mother's solution to the problem was to intercede to Mother Mary 
to plead with her son JESUS to help me Initally, i used to say the 
rosary as a ritual or when i really needed help, as a last minute action for 
help especially with tests and making decisions. One incident happened in my 
life which helped me to recognize how great and loving our Mother is 
especially in a personal way and how she is continually interceding for us 
to know and follow Jesus-- that is all she wants. When i had my almost fatal 
car accident, i had a statue of Mother Mary in the front of my car and it 
fell onto my lap. everything in the front was shattered except for this 
statue. i had lost consciousness and when the paramedics revived me, the 
statue was laying perfectly in my lap. one of the paramedics took the 
statue, placed it in my hands tightly and whispered to me, "this is who 
saved you, hold on tight to her"... Praise Jesus!!! I believe what Jesus 
also wants is for us to know His Mother and show our respect to her--- to 
"hold on tight to her". Mother Mary is our Mother--- a precious gift given 
to us freely by JESUS at the foot of the cross!!! Since my accident, the 
rosary and my devotion to Mother Mary has had deeper meaning... Mother 
Mary's compassion, love and intercession saved the hosts at the Wedding of 
Cana and since then she has been continually interceding for all of us

I thank JESUS for my life and all his blessings--especially for all the 
wonderful people He has brought into my life...I thank Jesus for carrying me 
through all my struggles and pains... I thank Mother Mary
for interceding for me and helping me each day to KNOW and FOLLOW JESUS so 
much more closely!!! My experience of JESUS has become so much more fuller 
and wonderful with my MOTHER's intercession!!!

Luv, Bincy :=)

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[JOYnet] Re: thanks?

2003-02-09 Thread Bincy Abraham
Hi Friends,

i am a little confused. this month (Feb) we should share about the topic 
thankfulness?? is this correct? i think i have read one email on the topic 
which I must say was really good!!! i hope we all have at least one thing we 
are thankful for or something to share on this matter  i am looking 
forward to hearing more emails on this wonderful topic

i have something to share but i need some time to write it down and i will 
do so by the end of this week (life has been crazy for me last week and this 
coming week with presentations and patients) Hope to hear from others on 
this topic in the mean time

Hope all is well with all JY around the world by the grace of GOD!!! Please 
keep Sindhu in your prayers who is fighting a terrible cold (I think ROSE 
AND SUNIL are also sick with cold)
Also i want to encourage others to continue or start sharing more about 
their personal experiences of Jesus in everyday life and everyday 
situations!!! I really enjoy reading these sharings and they have been so 
encouraging and inspiring to my life!!! Thanks!!!

Luv, Bincy :=)

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