Re: [JOYnet] Re: the hail mary of a protestant

2002-05-16 Thread r.sandeep raghunath

dear friends in christ,
i find it surprisinf that anyone should feel offended by the story the
hail mary of a protestant ,it only reinststates the truth,the catholic 
church alone is the ark of salvation founded by JESUS CHRIST,the catholic 
church is the only way to salvation,all those separate from her are heretics 
and schismatics,this was solemnly proclaimed by the church time and again 
most recently in the vatican document DOMINUS IESUS by cardinal 
ratzinger,the document even says that protestants,or orthodox or marthomites 
or whatever else theyre called cant be churches in the true sense of the 
term,all those who leave the church imperil their own salvation,these days 
we seem to have a false ecumenism which shamelessly embraces the dissident 
churches , the true purpose of ecumenism is to lead them to the one true 
church i,e the catholic church and also regarding marys role in our 
salvation st.montfort the greatest exponent of marian devotion says that 
without believing in the marian dogmas one cannot be saved i suppose you 
know that the marian truths are solemnly defined as dogmas by the church
the church teaches that it is essential to believe in dogmas to be saved and 
the marian dogmas are as follows
 1.mary mother of god
 2.mary perrrpetual virgin
 3.immaculate conception

millions of people are petitioning the holy father to proclaim the fifth 
marian dogma i,e mary,s role as our co-redemptrice
famous petionaries included mother teresa, cardinal o connor of new york,and 
our own cardinal padiyara
 for more info go to
r.sandeep joseph

>From: sheril daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [JOYnet] Re: the hail mary of a protestant
>Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 08:27:43 -0700 (PDT)
>dear friends,
>i am very hurt by this story.
>i have read it on joynet before. for obvious reasons i find this story very 
>prejudiced. this person is portrayed as a hero, well and good. and yes, it 
>is a story promoting intercession thru mother mary. well and good. but what 
>gives this man the right to condemn the faith of the protestant church? is 
>he a priest? then he should know that salvation is through our lord Jesus 
>Christ. i am a marthomite. hence i suppose i would be classified under the 
>"protestant" group of churches. one "separated from the true church of 
>christ founded on the rock (Peter) and against whom the gates of hell shall 
>never prevail" as quoted in the story. I AM SORRY, BUT I REFUSE TO BELIEVE 
>THAT! as marthomites we believe in salvation through Jesus Christ. He died 
>for each one of us on the cross. He shed His blood for my sins. He was 
>whipped for my sicknesses. He suffered so that i would be saved. if this is 
>the basis of a church (besides catholic church) i don't see why that church 
>would be "separate!
>d" from christ. i don't believe that as a marthomite, i am in any way less 
>entitled ot the kindom of God than a catholic based on whether i pray to 
>mary or not.
>there are differences in some beliefs, yes. like in our church we do not 
>intercede thru mother mary. but we do revere her as a holy mother. we do 
>not think of her as an ordinary woman. no. but where in the bible does it 
>say that if u don't pray to mther mary you will not go to heaven? see, i'm 
>not saying one church is right or another is wrong. it is not up to me to 
>condemn any religion either. Jesus said that true religion is looking after 
>widows and orphans. the religious culture, the laws of the church, the 
>ceremonies, the way in which ppl pray, these are not the most important 
>things. what is most important is whetehr you have accepted Jesus as your 
>personal saviour or not. everything else is there to lead u to him not to 
>condemn other churches. even praying to mother mary. is she there to take 
>the importance or is she there to guide children to Jesus? i like to think 
>it is the latter. maybe it is difficult for some catholics to accept the 
>fact that as christians, God is!
>  not looking at what church one comes from, what background one has, or 
>what way one prays. He is looking at the heart. do you have Jesus in there 
>or not. i am not saying that protestants are not always biased against 
>catholics. we are the generation that has to change all of this bitching 
>and bickering between both churches. as christians we are one. if that is 
>not the attitude that u have, then that must change first. i am not a 
>catholic but the reason why i am in joynet is not because i want to be a 
>catholic. but it is because

[JOYnet] Re: the hail mary of a protestant

2002-05-16 Thread sheril daniel

dear friends,
i am very hurt by this story.
i have read it on joynet before. for obvious reasons i find this story very 
prejudiced. this person is portrayed as a hero, well and good. and yes, it is a story 
promoting intercession thru mother mary. well and good. but what gives this man the 
right to condemn the faith of the protestant church? is he a priest? then he should 
know that salvation is through our lord Jesus Christ. i am a marthomite. hence i 
suppose i would be classified under the "protestant" group of churches. one "separated 
from the true church of christ founded on the rock (Peter) and against whom the gates 
of hell shall never prevail" as quoted in the story. I AM SORRY, BUT I REFUSE TO 
BELIEVE THAT! as marthomites we believe in salvation through Jesus Christ. He died for 
each one of us on the cross. He shed His blood for my sins. He was whipped for my 
sicknesses. He suffered so that i would be saved. if this is the basis of a church 
(besides catholic church) i don't see why that church would be "separate!
d" from christ. i don't believe that as a marthomite, i am in any way less entitled ot 
the kindom of God than a catholic based on whether i pray to mary or not.
there are differences in some beliefs, yes. like in our church we do not intercede 
thru mother mary. but we do revere her as a holy mother. we do not think of her as an 
ordinary woman. no. but where in the bible does it say that if u don't pray to mther 
mary you will not go to heaven? see, i'm not saying one church is right or another is 
wrong. it is not up to me to condemn any religion either. Jesus said that true 
religion is looking after widows and orphans. the religious culture, the laws of the 
church, the ceremonies, the way in which ppl pray, these are not the most important 
things. what is most important is whetehr you have accepted Jesus as your personal 
saviour or not. everything else is there to lead u to him not to condemn other 
churches. even praying to mother mary. is she there to take the importance or is she 
there to guide children to Jesus? i like to think it is the latter. maybe it is 
difficult for some catholics to accept the fact that as christians, God is!
 not looking at what church one comes from, what background one has, or what way one 
prays. He is looking at the heart. do you have Jesus in there or not. i am not saying 
that protestants are not always biased against catholics. we are the generation that 
has to change all of this bitching and bickering between both churches. as christians 
we are one. if that is not the attitude that u have, then that must change first. i am 
not a catholic but the reason why i am in joynet is not because i want to be a 
catholic. but it is because i am a young christian who wants fellowship with other 
such christians. 

in Jesus

sheril daniel

grahamstown, south africa



The Hail Mary of a Protestant
(A true story)

A little six-year-old Protestant boy had often heard his Catholic 
companions reciting the prayer "Hail Mary." He like it so much 
that he copied it,memorized it and would recite it every day. 
"Look, Mommy, what a beautiful prayer," he said to his mother one 

"Never again say it," answered the mother. "It is a superstitious 
prayer of Catholics who adore idols and think Mary a goddess. 
After all, she is a woman like any other. Come on, take this Bible 
and read it. It contains everything that we are bound to do and 
have to do." From that day on the little boy discontinued his 
daily "Hail Mary" and gave himself more time to reading the Bible 

One day, while reading the Gospel, he came across the passage 
about the Annunciation of the Angel to Our Lady. Full of joy, the 
little boy ran to his mother and said: "Mommy, I have found the 
'Hail Mary' in the Bible which says: 'Hail full of grace, the Lord 
is with thee, blessed art thou amongst women.' Why do you call it 
a superstitious prayer?"

On another occasion he found that beautiful Salutation of St. 
Elizabeth to the Virgin Mary and the wonderful canticle MAGNIFICAT 
in which Mary foretold that "the generations would call her 
blessed."He said no more about it to his mother but started to 
recite the "Hail Mary" every day as before. He felt pleasure in 
addressing those charming words to the Mother of Jesus, our 

When he was fourteen, he one day heard a discussion on Our Lady 
among the members of his family. Every one said that Mary was a 
common woman like any other woman. The boy, after listening to 
their erroneous reasoning could not bear it any longer, and full 
of indignation, he interrupted them,saying:
"Mary is not like any other children of Adam, stained with sin.No! 
is the Mother of Jesus Christ and consequently Mother of God. 
There is no higher dignity to which a creature can be raised. The 
Gospel says that the generations will proclaim her blessed and you 
are trying t