Dear all,

Yesterday also I had a great experience. I was on my return Journey from Dubai to Jabel Dhana where I work. I was accompanied with one of my colleauge. As usual, I started chatting with him and turned the topic into Jesus. Initially he critized me regarding the Conversion to christianity. (He 'was' - really I mean it; now I feel WAS - a Hindu proline activist).

During the 31/2 hrs journey we were continously talking regarding Jesus. Then I took the Trum Card - KERYGMA and gave it to him. My dear friends, I couldn't beleive, he stopped arguing and listened to me carefuly. At last we together prayed in the name of Jesus.

Then, he - seems to be an introward, opened his heart infront of me. He shared me about his sufferings and other personal problems. I could feel Jesus & Holy Sprit changing his mind in those 3 1/2 hrs.

OK, you guys and gals may be thinking what is this KERYGMA. I'm preparing a small note on it and hopefully shall paste it on tommorrow. (Smitha & Cuckoo may really annoyed and angry with me but forgive me in the name of Jesus. (It is also my style of evangilization to create curosity about Jesus in others heart so that they will grasp it easily - really funny na, ha ha ha)).

Also as we are 1000+, if we are sharing Jesus to atleast 1 person a week how great it will be?

And if it works, the title "THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH' will be a reality. Let us dream on it and work on it.

With lot of love & prayers in Jesus

Prejomy Jose
Abu Dhabi

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