MARCH 4TH  2003




   St.Casimir  was  the  second  son  of  King Casimir IV  of  Poland   and  the  
virtuous    Elizabeth  of  Austria  ,  recieved  his  early  education    from  the  
deeply  religious  Canon John  Dugosz, the  polish  historian,  who  later  become  
Archbishop  of  Lemberg.At  the  age  of  9  he  was  already  a  remarkable  for  his 
 piety  ,  and  a  young   Prince  he  would  often  spend  long night  hours  
kneeling  before  locked  doors  of  churches  ,  oblivious  to   the  inclemency  of  
the  weather.His  charity  towards  the poor   knew  no  bounds,  which  earned  him  
the  title of  *The  father  and  Defender  of  the  poor  and  wretched**
                 Casimir  had  a  particularly  ardent  devotion  to  our  Lady, whom  
he  addressed  as  his  "Good Mother",  and  he  would  daily   recite  on  his  knees 
 St.Anselm  of  Canterbury`s  tender  hymn " Daily  daily  sing  to  Mary ..."  
 During  his  Father`s  prolonged   absence  in  Luthiania,  the  saintly  young  
prince   administered  the  State  of  Poland   from  1481  to  1483  with  pronounced 
   Returned to prayer and study, maintained his decision to remain celibate even under 
pressure to marry the emperor's daughter. He  died   at  the  age  of  26     at  the  
very  hour  which  had  been   revealed  to  him.He  was  canonized  by  Pope Adrean 
VI  in  1522.
               One  hundred  and  twenty  -two  years  after  his  death   his  body  
was  found   to be  still  incurrupt.
   bachelors, kings, Lithuania, Poland, princes , invoked  against  plague
     ** As  a  stout  staff  supports  the  trembling  limbs  of  a  feeble   old  
man,  so  does  faith   sustain  our   vacillating   mind,  lest  it  be  tossed  
about  by  sinful hesitation  and  perplexity***( St.John  Chrysostom)
   What is there on earth which can engage the affections of a 
Christian, or be the object of his ambition, in whose soul God 
desires to establish his kingdom? Whoever has conceived a just 
idea of this immense happiness and dignity must look upon all the 
glittering bubbles of this world as empty and vain, and consider 
every thing in this life barely as it can advance or hinder the 
great object of all his desires. Few arrive at this happy and 
glorious state, because scarce any one seeks it with his whole 
heart, and has the courage sincerely to renounce all things and 
die to himself: and this precious jewel cannot be purchased upon 
any other terms. The kingdom of God can only be planted in a soul 
upon the ruins of self-love: so

we   adore    Thee  O  Christ  and  we  bless   Thee,Because  of  Thy  Holy  Cross  
Thou  ha s  redeemed  the  world....!!!!!

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