16TH  MARCH   2003


BISHOP  OF  COLOGNE (  AD..970--1021)


    One  of  the  most  renowned   Prelates  of  the  Diocese  of Cologne (  
Germany).He  was  born in  the  town  of   Worms   in  the  Palatinate  of  the  
Rhine.He  was  very  brilliant  &  always  eager  to  learn.He  was  attracted  by  
the  lives  of  Benedictines  monks  at  Abbey  of  Gorze  and  would  have  joined  
them &  was  raised to  priesthood.

   He  gained  the  confidence  of  Emperor   Otto III  ,  who  made  Heribert  his  
chancellor.In  998   ,he  was  raised  to  the  See  of  Cologne  ,  though  he  
thought  himself  unworthy of  the  high  dignity.On  christmas  eve  he  was  
consecrated  Archbishop  in the  Cathedral  of  St.Peter,  &  from  that  moment  on  
he  devoted  himself  indefatigably   to  the  duties  of  his  calling.He  never  
allowed   his  state  affairs    to  hinder  him   from  his  spirirtual  duties

         Duke  Henry  of  Bhavaria   succeeded  Otto, he  misinterpreted  the  doings  
of  Heribert.  But  he  won  him  over  by  his  life  of  virtue  and  there  was  a  
public  reconciliation  between  two  saintly  men  who  had been    so  long  

           On  the  opposit   side  of  the  Rhine,  at  Deutz,  he  and  Otto,  
established   a  monastery  and  a  church.Of  what  remained  of  his  income,  
Heribert  would  divide  among  the  poor  and  sick    whom  he  constantly  visited  
and  comforted  .Once  at  a  time  of  great  drought  the  Archbishop  led  a  
penitential  procession.  entering  the  church  of  St.Severinus,Heribert  gave  
himself  upto  prayer.Scarcely  he  has  risen  from  his  knees,  when  a  torrential 
 rain  poured  down  upon  city  and  the  harvest  was  saved.

                 On  a  visit  to  Neuss  he  contracted  fever,  of  which  he  
died,recieving  the  vatiacum   with   great  fervour.His  body  was  laid  at  Deutz, 
 wherein  after  years  many  miracles  attributed  to  his  intercession.

PATRONAGE:against drought, for rain


               U  should  not   do  any  harm  to  anybody  whatso  ever;  and  as  
much  as  it  is  possible  ,  do  good  to  all...(St.Peter   fourier)

we   adore    Thee  O  Christ  and  we  bless   Thee,Because  of  Thy  Holy  Cross  
Thou  ha s  redeemed  the  world....!!!!!

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