I am so sorry for sending this late... a few days ago I had send Prayer
Requests out here. As usual I informed them that we at JY were praying for
them and well these are some of their replies.

Thank you very much!  I know that the lord is working and His will is going to
be done. Connie

Bless (you) and thank you for praying .I think some day in heaven we will all
know each other. Take care and keep your eyes on Jesus. in his Grace Carla

Hi, thanks for the email and most of all thank you for praying for me and my
family. It`s a comfort to know that someone is standing in prayer with me.
Thank you. Kalindu

thank you for your prayers. I really appreciate them. Many blessings for your
ministry and family. Love, Sister in Christ, Tina

thank you so much for your prayers for us. We have been blessed by your faith.
I pray Gods mercy on all that you do too. Love,Ann

Thank you.  The friend I asked prayer for is a guy named Jim I wasn't
supposed to reveal that at first because the family is dealing with it and it
hurts.  They didn't get good news, only God can save him but what greater
physician.  God bless you for caring.  Martha Valentine

the prayer was for myself and thank you for praying for me Peaches

thank you for your prayers and we will keep you in ours as well. kypwerkz

Thank you for the prayers....God bless, barb

THank you for your kind prayers  God bless you!. Daweena

First of all, I would like to thank you for remembering my family in your
prayers.  It has been the toughest thing that I have had to deal with in my
life.  I want you to know that your responses to my prayer requests are very
uplifting and have helped me trudge on.
I am trusting in the Lord to restore my family, marriage, and my wife's love
for me.  I know that only through Him will this situation be taken care of.

Kara says that she doesn't want it right now.  I'm hoping for reconciliation
before the courts dissolve things, but will wait and hopefully remarry her if
that is what the Lord has in store for me.  I pray that God restores it and
that our marriage stays intact.
I ask you humbly today to pray in agreement with me that God gives Kara,
Dillon, and myself strength, comfort, and patience.  I also ask that you pray
in agreement with me that God restore Kara's desire and will to be my wife and
to be a family with Dillon and myself, to restore her love for me, and to heal
her of the wounds I inflicted verbally.  I ask that you pray for the
restoration of our family and marriage.  I know that Dillon wants us to be a
family because he tells me so.  He sayshe wants me to come home and
that he loves me all the time.  I know that God's will is for our marriage and
family to be restored because there is no biblical grounds for divorce. Yes, I
have hurt Kara's feelings.  However, I didn't think that I hurt her when I
mouthed off.  I am sorry and have asked for forgiveness from God and Kara.  I
love Kara with all  my heart and soul.  She and Dillon are so very precious to
Please pass on my prayer request to your church, friends, etc. that will
earnestly pray for our family and marriage.  I want to thank you for your
prayers and for passing this along.  I know that with brothers and sisters in
Christ raying for our marriage and family, things will be OK because that is
God's will! Brent Duncil


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