> The Company of Friends
>    Then Jesus went with his followers to a place called Gethsemane. He
> said to them, "Sit here while I go over there and pray." He took Peter and
> the two sons of Zebedee with him, and he began to be very sad and
> troubled. He said to them, "My heart is full of sorrow, to the point of
> death. Stay here and watch with me."  -- Matthew 26:36-38 (NCV)
>    It's hard to imagine Jesus needing anything if we divorce his divine
> nature from his his human nature. But God never allowed that divorce.
> Jesus faced the same struggles and needs we do as mortals. He knows what
> lies ahead for him. He knows he will be abandoned by all those he has
> invested himself in. But before that that horrible journey begins, he
> wants the companionship of those closest to him. And he wants this
> companionship while he prays!
>    Father, I confess that sometimes I am caught up in my own
> self-sufficiency and thoughts of independence when I know, deep down, that
> I need the strength and support of other believers. Forgive me when I
> think too much of my own strength and when I am to proud to ask for the
> help of fellow Christians. Humble me gently so I that I will open my heart
> to the help and companionship of Christian friends. In Jesus' name I pray.
> Amen.

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