Dear Joynetters,

Praise God!!

I am bubling with excitement even as I write this mail...We had gone for a 
youth rally yesterday, conducted by the Torch Bearers For Christ (TBC) the 
youth wing of the Bombay service team (Charismatic renewal in Mumbai).

We were around a thousand youth from all over Mumbai...gathered to give 
praise to our Awesome God. And you can well...imagine a thousand youth 
dancing to the Gospel music...and it worked wonders with all the youth who 
were timid and they too couldn't resist dancing and singing to the 

There is this song that we learnt goes like this...Some words are 
in the Mumbasa language (South Africa) and I have forgotten some...<grin>

JAMBO, Jesus Loves You,
Are You Happy,(...I forgot...)
CARIBU, Into His Presence
Why do you worry, HAKUNAMATTATA.

Jambo - means Hello, Caribu - means Into His presence, Hakunamattata - means 
Why do you worry...(hope I got them all correct)

Now to tell u personal experience...The theme of this rally was to 
Enthrone Jesus as the Lord over our lives (career, studies and 

Even after going for a retreat (a month ago) and surrendering my life to 
God...I somehow did not put Jesus on the throne of my life...and this rally 
came at the right time to remind me of the same.

The speaker (Br. Victor) at the rally spoke about the 3 Ms in view 
of enthroning Jesus in your relationships. He said the first M is 
Master...making Jesus the master of your life. The second M is Mission, 
Praying about the mission that God has called us for...coz..each one of us 
has come into this world for a purpose and plan. And after knowing our 
mission the last M...i.e the Mate...will fall in place. That is the life 
partner the Lord has in mind for us. But he said you have to soak every 
decision and every step that you take in this is the time of 

During the infilling of the Holy Br Derek spoke...I was 
touched...I was shown all the areas in my life...where I was not enthroning 
Jesus...especially in my relationships. It was difficult to believe that the 
Lord was calling me to give up certain friendships...but He said..."Put ME 
first...and everything else will follow".

It is a hard decision to give up these friendships...but just as another 
speaker, put it so quoting the scripture from Jermiah 29:11  For I 
know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans for welfare and not for 
evil, to give you a future and a hope.

The Lord knows what He is asking of me and He will give me the grace and 
strength too! But I need ur prayers tooo...


God Bless You!

Yours in Christ Jesus,
Jennifer D'souza

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