Subject: Thought-17/07/2002

Don't Limit God - Pas.Joel Osteen

      In the book of Psalms, chapter 37, verse 4 it says, "If you 
yourself in the Lord, God would give you the desires of your 
heart." The
Amplified version says, "the secret petitions of your heart."

      But just because God says He'd give them to us doesn't mean 
that we're

not going to face obstacles and we're not going to face situations 
that we
have to overcome in life. And what I want to talk to you about a 
while today is how we ought not to limit God's power and limit 
in our lives. The way we limit God is through doubt and 

There's going to be a time
in all of our lives where when we look up it's going to look like 
by all
natural, ordinary, human reasoning that our dreams can't come to 
pass. Some

of you face that right now. It just looks like there's no way in 
and if you don't watch it, you'll get filled with doubt and 
and you'll stop the flow of God's blessings in your life.

      See I like to think of it like this: between me and God and 
and God there's this pipeline. I like to think of it maybe an 
pipeline. And on that pipeline there's some valves on it, some 
valves that you can either open of close. And when you start 
looking at
the present-day  situation and you're looking at all the obstacles 
and the
      challenges that you to face today, if you don't watch it 
you'll get
filled with doubt and unbelief. And you've just got to reach up 
there like
faucet. You're reaching up there and you're cutting back the 
faucet. You're

cutting back the flow of God's power in your life.

      You see, I wash my car a lot of times out in my driveway and 
when I
start I open the faucet wide open and that water flows forth 
freely. But
when I get another portion I cut the  faucet back and I start to 
the water and it comes less and less and less. And if we don't 
is a good God. He wants to bless us. He wants to give us the 
desires of our

heart. But if we don't watch it, it's through our own doubt
and unbelief that we're reaching up there and we're cutting back 
the flow
God's blessings and His supernatural power in our lives.

      And what I want to challenge you with today is don't limit 
God through

your doubt and unbelief and go back and open that valve up 
completely so we

can receive the power and the blessings of God in our lives. God 
gave us
dreams; He wants to bring them to pass.

      The Bible is full of promises from God. Somebody said 
there's over
20,000 promises in this Bible. If we would just get them into our 
heart and

get them into our lives, we would see God begin to work and we 
limit God.

      And you know what I want us to see today is that God's done 
in all of our lives. How many of you believe God has touched your 
life one
time or another? Well you know what? This made God angry when they 
began to

question His mightand His power and His ability.

Have a Nice day!

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