I think it is very difficult to  define to whom  should we  give our 10 % income.But 
one  will mostly be true..We should give it those about  whom  we feel that they  need 
our help.Some times we may feel this about a poor fellow we meet  across  the road 
side,In some  other times it may be  evnageliser who need our money  to carry on his 
In some other cases it may be a priest who want money to help  some other 
persons(Please remember that many of our  parish priests are helping  poor people a 
lot .)

In some othertimes it may be a poor  student who need money to buy a book..

I think if we are ready to give with a  happy mind then it would reach only really 
deserving hands.BECAUSE IT IS GODS MONEY..and he would not let it to go in any other 
way.He will tell us  where to/whom to  give   it.We need  to have only a mind to 
listen to his words.Let pray for Holyspirit to guide us in this matter  too.

pradeep george
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