Re: [JOYnet] Traditions

2001-09-05 Thread Saji Sebastian

Dear brother Nick,
What made you think that I criticized you?
I was not criticizing you. Sorry if you misunderstood.
I know I responded to one thing that you mentioned
about defending Word of God.
He (Word of God is nothing but Jesus) doesn't need our
protection. Remember what he told the women of
Jerusalem on His way to Calvary. He is not helpless
and standing in need of our defense. He is a
victorious King. The entire humanity is in need of His

Rest everything I wrote was my understanding about
word of God and His Church. My dear Nick please don't
take anything personally. I have no idea about who you
are or anything about your life then how can I judge
you or accuse you? Just by reading a mail? No way dear

With lots of love and prayers
Saji, New Jersey, USA

--- Nicolas Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi 
> Firstly I thank God for this oppurtunity to discuss
> by
> email. I thank God for Joynet and this mailing list.
> I
> thank God for our friend from New Jersey who has
> criticised me. I Thess.5:18(In everything give
> thanks).
> I started off writing that the Bible is the word of
> God, Bible doesn't ask us to follow traditions and
> traditions are human made. Nowhere in my mail I
> spoke
> about Church.:
> Now  Saji wrote :- ).  'The Bible took its shape in
> her (church's) lap. And the church the one who is
> tells us Bible is the word of God. If any of us take
> the book and renounce the church that is
> foolishness.'
> Well my friends always try to refer to the Bible as
> 'Bible' and not book. I don't renounce the Church
> and
> so I call the above accusation (foolish) as a
> mistake.
> Let me write about Church here. The word 'Church'
> comes from the Greek word 'Ecclesia' meaning 'to
> call
> out from'. Christians are called out from the world
> system to be 'in Christ'.
> The word Church can refer to a local group of
> believers. Philemon 2; Col.4:15. This visible Church
> consists of those whose names are on local Church
> rolls, all earthly Church denominations and sects.
> The invisible Church is made up of those whose names
> are written in the Lamb's book of life. Rev.21:27. 
> God put all things under Christ's feet and gave him
> to
> the Church as supreme Lord over all things. The
> Church
> is Christ's body, the completion of him who himself
> completes all things everywhere. Eph.1:22-23.
> Hey today is Teacher's day in India. I wish all
> teachers out there a blessed day. So praise Jesus
> who
> is the teacher of all teachers. 'One night he
> (Nicodemus) went to Jesus and said to Him, "Rabbi we
> know that you are a teacher sent by God. ..."
> John3:2 
> Dear friends you may or may not agree with me, but I
> only say that following tradition is not important.
> Following Christ and His teaching is however very
> important. Even as its teacher's day today, reflect
> on
> the teachings of Christ (Matt.7:21-23).
> If we keep on hanging to 'handed down' traditions
> Christians will continue to be divided, with each
> Church/sect/denomination having their own say. Go
> ahead and sling mud on me if you want. Whatever I
> wrote above is to give God glory. Amen.
> Jesus Reigns. 
> Nick. 
> Saji wrote: 
> Dear brothers and sisters, 
> We don't need to defend the authority of Word of
> God. 
> Because everyone and everything, exist in it (Him). 
> However I don't think that all of God's Words can be
> put in to a book. There is no doubt that Book is
> Word
> of God. Our God is a living God, who speaks to His
> people through all generations. (I am not telling
> that
> He is not going to contradict His written word some
> point of time).  The Bible took its shape in her
> (church's) lap. And the church the one who is tells
> us
> Bible is the word of God. If any of us take the book
> and renounce the church that is foolishness. Bible
> is
> one of the greatest gifts that the church offers the
> world (Word of God in a written format). Jesus did
> so
> many things and said to his disciples, lot of things
> that any books can_t contain.  What was written were
> written so that people may believe that Jesus is Son
> of God.  So those were not the only things he said.
> The Church is the sacrament that makes Jesus (God)
> available to all the peoples; she exists with all
> Authority given by her master. Jesus tells her she
> would do greater things than He did while he was in
> the Middle East 2000 years back.
> The richness of the wisdom of 2000 years of
> Christian
> life (a life listening to the Holy Spirit and acting
> accordingly) is unimaginable. Those who are fighting
> against the church and its traditions (which the way
> of life and a culture), is knowingly or unknowingly
> joining with enemy to deprive us of those glorious
> richness. 
> Those who can_t love his church (that makes Him
> visible) can_t love him. 
> With lots of love and prayers 
> Saji Sebastian, NJ, USA 

[JOYnet] Traditions

2001-09-05 Thread Nicolas Johnson


Firstly I thank God for this oppurtunity to discuss by
email. I thank God for Joynet and this mailing list. I
thank God for our friend from New Jersey who has
criticised me. I Thess.5:18(In everything give

I started off writing that the Bible is the word of
God, Bible doesn't ask us to follow traditions and
traditions are human made. Nowhere in my mail I spoke
about Church.:

Now  Saji wrote :- ).  'The Bible took its shape in
her (church's) lap. And the church the one who is
tells us Bible is the word of God. If any of us take
the book and renounce the church that is foolishness.'

Well my friends always try to refer to the Bible as
'Bible' and not book. I don't renounce the Church and
so I call the above accusation (foolish) as a mistake.
Let me write about Church here. The word 'Church'
comes from the Greek word 'Ecclesia' meaning 'to call
out from'. Christians are called out from the world
system to be 'in Christ'.

The word Church can refer to a local group of
believers. Philemon 2; Col.4:15. This visible Church
consists of those whose names are on local Church
rolls, all earthly Church denominations and sects.

The invisible Church is made up of those whose names
are written in the Lamb's book of life. Rev.21:27. 

God put all things under Christ's feet and gave him to
the Church as supreme Lord over all things. The Church
is Christ's body, the completion of him who himself
completes all things everywhere. Eph.1:22-23.

Hey today is Teacher's day in India. I wish all
teachers out there a blessed day. So praise Jesus who
is the teacher of all teachers. 'One night he
(Nicodemus) went to Jesus and said to Him, "Rabbi we
know that you are a teacher sent by God. ..." John3:2 

Dear friends you may or may not agree with me, but I
only say that following tradition is not important.
Following Christ and His teaching is however very
important. Even as its teacher's day today, reflect on
the teachings of Christ (Matt.7:21-23).

If we keep on hanging to 'handed down' traditions
Christians will continue to be divided, with each
Church/sect/denomination having their own say. Go
ahead and sling mud on me if you want. Whatever I
wrote above is to give God glory. Amen.

Jesus Reigns. 


Saji wrote: 
Dear brothers and sisters, 
We don't need to defend the authority of Word of God. 
Because everyone and everything, exist in it (Him). 
However I don't think that all of God's Words can be
put in to a book. There is no doubt that Book is Word
of God. Our God is a living God, who speaks to His
people through all generations. (I am not telling that
He is not going to contradict His written word some
point of time).  The Bible took its shape in her
(church's) lap. And the church the one who is tells us
Bible is the word of God. If any of us take the book
and renounce the church that is foolishness. Bible is
one of the greatest gifts that the church offers the
world (Word of God in a written format). Jesus did so
many things and said to his disciples, lot of things
that any books can_t contain.  What was written were
written so that people may believe that Jesus is Son
of God.  So those were not the only things he said.

The Church is the sacrament that makes Jesus (God)
available to all the peoples; she exists with all
Authority given by her master. Jesus tells her she
would do greater things than He did while he was in
the Middle East 2000 years back.

The richness of the wisdom of 2000 years of Christian
life (a life listening to the Holy Spirit and acting
accordingly) is unimaginable. Those who are fighting
against the church and its traditions (which the way
of life and a culture), is knowingly or unknowingly
joining with enemy to deprive us of those glorious

Those who can_t love his church (that makes Him
visible) can_t love him. 
With lots of love and prayers 
Saji Sebastian, NJ, USA 

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