Urgent Prayer Request

1 . Adv:Shiney Alexy Pallan & Adv:Lilly are on the way to file a rite
 in Kerala High Court against abortion. This case will be filed in the banner
 of Krupa Profilers.
Please pray urgently for the next 3 weeks. they are in the last stage to file

Submit this in your daily mass.
Recite one rosary daily for this.
Holy Spirit must lead Adv.Shiny and we on this matter.
So please pray urgently.
2.  Krupa Prolifers well-wisher Josey & Sheena is expecting a child.
Her due date is 1st of Nov.Please pray for a safe and good delivery.

3.  As per God's message we Krupa Prolifers directors postponed all
retreats,pro-life seminars,Exhibitions for two months.On this Periods we wish
 spent in prayer  and  strengthen our spiritual life.
So please pray  for us  in this period. We  need your  valuable prayer

Abraham  Puthenkalam

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