Dear JYs,
Praise the Lord!!!

In His times He makes all things His times...

We cordially invite your valuable prayers and esteemed presence on this special 
occasion of our Holy Sacrament of Marriage which will be solemnised on Monday 14th 
October 2002, at 11:30 am at Holy Cross Church, Muttada, Thiruvananthapuram, and there 
after for the reception at the Malarvady kalyana Mandapam. 

We would be grateful if you could bless us, share our joy and part-take in our 
Please keep both of us in your precious and valuable prayers.

With lot of love n prayers
Joseph & Anu

Joseph V John
0471 590544
(0)98411 91413 (Chennai RPG)

Anu George
0481 463758
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