Dear all

he is the powerful god and he was mightly revealing it to me.Saturday we myself and 
Ron made a great confession and then went to rest.Praise the Lord.Sunday we went to 
church and I felt that Jesus came full in me.
We went for a prayer group in Gandhipuram and it was powerful and ad a nice time 

I went for adoration but since I was very tired I was back and then I was able to help 
pradeep with cooking and praise the Lord.

Today was the best of days.Today I was tensed up and fear came up since I had some 
problem with my senior here.But I told these little words

"My Jesus I entrust you this person and by the power of your holy blood purify him and 
by your blood I kiss him."Praise the Lord that I was able to do my work and Jesus took 
away my fear.Also I got these words.
"Do not fear the one who can only destroy body but fear the one who can send this 
useless body and soul to hell".Praise the Lord.

We had three guys who had gone to JETT programme.Praise the lord and Iam back from 
their testimonies.Anup and Joseph were really touched and Anup had a mighty call from 
the Lord when worship Leader called out his name and told that he had been MIGHTLY 
He had a good counselling to a sister and Anup was sharing his experiences. He was 
really touched and he had a great testimony on the power of the Holy Rosary and the 
best part is he did not recite it "HE HELD ON TO IT"

He was going somewhere and he had a great tempatation.He was about to do something 
very bad but then he held on to the Holy Cross and the Rosary and praise the lord he 
was able to overcome it.Today I happened to read the book by Maria Valthotha(Deiva 
manushya Sneha Geetha) She tells that Mamma is still holding Child Jesus.She also 
narrates that Mamma is always interceeding to son to save weak souls.So praise the 

Even when I feel I am also not full and when I pray to my mother she interceeds to her 
son with the SPIRIT OF GOD since our Lady is filled fully with the mighty spirit of 
God I am liberated from any TYPE of Sin

with love in Jesus mary and Joseph

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