With a Kiss!

   While Jesus was still speaking, Judas, one of the twelve apostles, came
up. With him were many people carrying swords and clubs who had been sent
from the leading priests and the older Jewish leaders of the people. Judas
had planned to give them a signal, saying, "The man I kiss is Jesus. Arrest
him." At once Judas went to Jesus and said, "Greetings, Teacher!" and kissed
him. Jesus answered, "Friend, do what you came to do."
                            -- Matthew 26:47-50 (NCV)

Betrayed in the garden of prayer.
Betrayed by a kiss.
Betrayed by a friend.

Unfortunately, betrayal in God's family did not end with Judas. Betrayal by
a Christian friend and confidant didn't stop when the moisture from Judas'
kiss on Jesus' cheek dried. Unfortunately, betrayal in what is supposed to
be a place of safety and spiritual nurture didn't end when Judas hung
himself. Have you been betrayed by a friend in Christ? Have you been
undercut that is suppose to be a loyal confidant? Have you been wounded in
what is supposed to be a place of spiritual safety? If you have, you
know the wounds a friend can leave when they no longer are a friend! You
know the pain of Gethsemane. 

But if this is your story, remember it was also Jesus' story. For you, for
us, the story of Matthew's Gospel finishes with a powerful two point
message. Watch Jesus as he is betrayed, denied, and forsaken by his most
beloved friends. He is a pioneer for us on how to handle the agony of
betrayal and abandonment. Second, speak honestly to Jesus about your wounds
and hurts. He not only knows and understands because he is Divine, but also
because he has been there and longs to comfort and help you in your time of

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