[JOYnet] "you are the light of the world" Mt.5.14

2002-08-30 Thread Thomas Mathew

Last month, Our Holy Father enegized millions of people during his visit
to Canada, with his usual Bible quote "You are the Light of the World"

Two thousand years back Jesus had a great crowd. He saw the crowd. He
wanted to address them. But he had no platform to speak. So he climbed a
hill "He went up the hill" Mt.5.1. Then he sat down. Jesus opened his
mouth to speak. Thus he delivered the best of the best. The Sermon on the
mount. Regardless of cast and creed, intelligent people appreciate this
sermon that jesus delivered from the mount.

When God opens His mouth, the best happens. The first thing that came out
of his mouth was " Let there be" Gen. 1. 3. God said an amazing word. God
said "let there be Light" Gen 1.3. It was light he created first.

God is light. God identified himself with light. Jesus God said "I am the
light of the World" John 8. 12. God did a marvelous thing. When God saw
light, God appreciated light. "God was pleased with what he saw" Gen 1.4.
Here God, the tottality of goodness, appreciated the goodness. I would
say, light appreciated light. God appreciated His own goodness and for me
that nothing short of Holinesss and or perfection.

The next step in God's miracle of miracles was the act of separating the
light from darrkness. God saw light and God separated light from
darkness. God seperated goodness from evil. God sorted out. That was a
herculine task for us but for God that was and is a simple process. The
separation of goodness from evil makes a great difference in our lives.
God didn’t stop by separating light from darkness. God named the light as
"Day" Gen 1.5. God named darkness as "Night" Gen 1.5.

Sorting out light from darkness in our lives is important and we need to
name the light and darkness in our lives. We need to acknowledge darkness
as it is and light as that is. We need to calim responsibility for the
darkness and light in and around us, if we have a hand in messing up our

Recently an young wife by the name Gina

( fictitious name) came to me. She broke off from her husband and lives a
seperated life. She removed the wedding ring and was ready for the
unknown Gina was living in pain and denial. She came for an encounter
with God. She wrestled with God. That was a difficult but a very friendly
and fruitful encounter with God. " Submit yourselves to one another
because of your reverence for Christ" Eph 5.21, hit her like lightning. A
new vision and a different perspective in life oriented her in the right
direction. Gina realized that God is closer to her than she thought. She
was searching for God. God appeared and yet she couldn’t see God because
sin blocked the vision of God. At last Gina agreed to look differntly.
She rubbed her eyes. She prayed. " Something like scales fell from" Acts.
9.18 her eyes. God eanabled her to sort out light from darkness.
She said " I am responsible for the Mess" and that was the salvation in
her life. This young woman, Gina, who is in her early twenties, an young
wife who was married to her young husband only for three years, went
through light and darkness expeerience. "God put his laws in her heart"

Gina recognized light, the gift of God. She called her parents and asked
them to send her wedding ring . Called her husband. Spoke with him.
Acknowledged her participation in the mess. God shone on them. I am sure
the " sacrifice of Jesus took away her sins" Hebr.9.23. She now shines as
the "light in the world" Hebr 2. 12

Jesus calls each and everyone of us to sort out light from darkness, in
our lives. Jesus wants to walk with us. Jesus tells us " You are the salt
of the Earth" Mt 5.13. We are the light of the world and the salt of the
earth. We need to perform good things " so that they will see the good
things you do and praise your Father in Heaven" Mt. 5.16.

We are called to discipleship. We are called to be witnesses. Praise the
Lord. Please keep the people who are in retreat at Singapore

Fr Thomas Mathew/August 31st, 2002/ Singapore

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[JOYnet] You are the light of the world!

2001-08-25 Thread Berly Earnest

Dear brothers and sisters,
I was reflecting on my life recently. Am I leading a very comfortable life?
Does my life pass on the message of Christ to those who do not know Him? Are
people comfortable with me because I identify with them? Sometimes,in the
process of evangelisation,I try to identify with them and become a part of
their group. But are they influencing me now or am I influencing them?
If we could be challenging witnesses for Christ
With people around wanting to be like us and desiring for a relationship
with our God.
We will be  telling them so much about the miracles in our lives and about
the God who cares so personally that they envy us for it and strive to get a
hold of this God.
Please allow me to share a personal experience with you.
A few weeks back we had to take Angel,our daughter, to the hospital for her
vaccination.I had a lot of tension within me.I did n't want to see her
crying.So I prayed,"Lord please reduce her pain.Don't let her get shocked
and frightened because of the pain."I kept on praying and praising in
tongues waiting for the dreaded moment.When we reached the nurses' room,I
sat down with Angel on my lap ,facing a window.I was showing her the sights
outside.The moment the nurse came close,she looked at the syringe.The nurse
put the needle into her arm and took it out and our little Angel was coolly
watching this!!!(She did not show any signs of fear or pain). I cried out,"O
God!"The nurses were also standing with open mouths.I returned with a
grateful heart.
But could n't I have told them something of the joy of living with Christ??
After a retreat or a programme,I have told the Lord I would EVANGELISE many
a time.
God,have mercy on me for not doing what I promised  You.
Love & prayers,
Annie Berly/Cochin.

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