dear friends in Jesus

child rape is a new and terrifying problem which is growing by the day here in south 
africa. i don't know how many of u are aware of this problem, but i'm jsut mailing u 
to give u an idea and ask you to keep these innocent children of south africa in your 

The rape of the nine-month-old baby by six men in Upington at the end of 2001, 
followed by the discovery of a seven-month-old baby who had been raped and left for 
dead in a suburb of Capetown in November, 2001, were some of the first cases of child 
rape that was brought to public attention.

many of these rapes are by perpetrators who have been infected with the HIV virus. the 
reason given by many is thier belief in what is now known as "the virgin myth". the 
belief that having sex with a virgin will cure a man of AIDS. The younger the virgin, 
the more potent the cure. Many innocent children have been infected with AIDS in this 
way, suffered enormously and even died in these cruel rapes. This myth is not 
restricted to South Africa.( Apparently the same is true for India and Jamaica, and 
these are underlying reasons ffor the increase in child prostitution. .)

The violent past of this country is also blamed. Many south africans have been 
brutalised by the political violence in their past, and this violence is now being 
directed at women and girls. Please take a minute to pray for these children who are 
being traumatised in so many dimensions which are so horrific that they are just 

with love in Jesus

sheril daniel

grahamstown, south africa
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