Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 2:39 PM
Subject: Thought-29/07/2002

>Looking at Jesus the Leader
>Let's look at Jesus as the Leader. A leader is one who leads. 
>Jesus is our Leader and he leads us.
>Firstly, we see him as a Teacher - one who has the authority. He 
>was well-versed in the scriptures. When he was tempted, he did 
>not yield to temptation. The secret of his victory was his 
>knowledge and ability to use
>the scriptures effectively Matthew 4:4-10, Luke 4:4-12. Whenever 
>he spoke,people wondered from where he got his wisdom. We also 
>see him as one who had answers to all questions. In Matthew 
>22:15-33, we see that various
>groups of people wanted to trap him by asking him various 
>questions. Again we see his knowledge of the scriptures and the 
>way he used it to silence all
>of them.
>How much we need to study the Word of God and have the ability to 
>use the Word of God in different situations.
>Secondly, we see him as a Role Model for us. He did not just 
>preach. His life itself was an example. When he talked about 
>love, He said, 'As I have loved you' John 13:34, 15:12. His love 
>is not a reciprocal love but an
>unconditional love. Though I am not worthy of his love. He loves 
>me, he  also expects us to love one another.
>Thirdly, when he talked about Service, he demonstrated that in 
>the upper room. As a leader, he should have waited for the 
>disciples to wash his feet.
>But instead, He took off his outer clothing, wrapped a towel 
>around his waist, and began to wash his disciple's feet, drying 
>them with the towel that wrapped around him. He also declared 
>that He did not come to be
served but to serve. Matthew 20:28. He did not give up on anyone. 
He did not write
>off anyone, we see that his handling of Judas and Peter. He did 
>not give up
>Judas till the end, though Judas was a traitor as we read in Luke 
>6:16 and John 18:5 and the one who betrayed Jesus. Yet he loved 
>him till the end.
>In the upper room, he gave him the important place and warned 
>him. He did not give up on Peter. Yes, he had to rebuke him 
>saying, "Get behind me satan!
>You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the 
>things of God, but the things of men. Matthew 16:23.
>Fourthly, Jesus also planned things well. Jesus and Peter had to 
>pay temple
>tax. He organized a fish to give that amount to Peter. The donkey 
>was arranged for his triumphal entry into Jerusalem Matthew 
>21:2&3. The upper room was already arranged for Passover Matthew 
>26:18. There was no
>confusion, no last minute running around here and there. He also 
>lived a life of Discipline.
>Fifthly, look at Jesus's humility. When Paul writes to the 
>Philippians he  says, "being in very nature God, did not consider 
>quality with God something to be grasped, but made himself 
>nothing, taking the very nature of a
>servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in 
>appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to 
>death, even-death on a cross
>- Phillipians 2:6-8
>Sixthly, let's not forget his obedience. Does a leader have to 
>obey? Is he  accountable? Sometimes we feel that the leaders are 
>leaders and they can do anything the way they want. That is not 
>true with Jesus. HE OBEYED HIS
>FATHER IN EVERYTHING. He did not pick and choose, from coming 
>down to the earth to the cross he obeyed.
>You & I are also called to be Leaders to lead others not only 
>with our  words but also with our life. Others may not recognize 
>us as leaders. We may not have any designation against our name. 
>Yet we are leaders in one-way or the other, Let him be our Role 
>Model. Let us grow like HIM in all aspects of  our lives. God 
>Bless you richly!
>Writen by by V. Sitther - IEM,Bangalore

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