[JOYnet] Vasthu shastra - My experience

2002-11-16 Thread Joseph lonth
My Dear JYs

We had a very long and highly informative discussion (sometimes breaking 
into personal collision) in Vastu Shastra.

Simply it means when you construct a building especially residential house 
two things are important - light and air. Looking at the layout of the land 
and the direction experts can help the house have ample light and good air 
circulation both of which make healthy living condition. This has nothing 
to do with religious faith or superstition. But the people consulted or who 
consider themselves experts add many things to these simple needs and make 
it appear complex and extra-mundane.

 When I needed a house there was one available for sale. Although it was 
not ideally spacious to my liking after praying and discerning I decided to 
purchase it. There was a medium sized cross across the road and people 
started saying a house rising above a cross is a dangerous place to live. 
Secondly a house very close to a place of worship is not good for living. 
Probably this has prompted the owner to sell it. However, I considered the 
above things a blessing and bought it.

After completing the remaining works it was blessed and after the 
housewarming a very close relative observed that the main gate is on the 
south and the regular gate on the west and the house facing the west was 
bad as per Vasthu and therefore hinder prosperity. I just told him that 
when God created He marked the directions but never attach any special 
importance or bad effects to any one of them.

Four years have passed.

In the meanwhile my son came out 19th rank in the Kerala medical entrance 
exam of 2001 and got admission to MBBS in Govt Medical College Trivandrum 
(among seven other entrance offers).
I have purchased a Volks Wagon Passat  for nearly Rs8.5 lakh and rubber 
plantation for Rs45 lakh.

I have always tried to live as per the instructions of the Lord as narrated 
in the promises of Deuteronomy 28: 1-14. That's my strength and my secret. 
All other things are false beliefs and cannot deliver the goods.
 God bless you
With love and prayers
Joseph Lonth
Dubai, UAE

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RE: [JOYnet] Vasthu shastra - My reply

2002-11-16 Thread Nixon Philip
Dear friends in Christ,

Please read an article by Prof. George Menachery in Sunday shalom where
there is a mention of St. Thomas' India trip and 'vasthushastra'.


If I'm not wrong 99% of the house's in this world are built without
'vasthushastra'. Are they all having mentioned problems and issues? I
don't think so.

Nixon Philip

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Sajith Antony
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 9:49 PM
To: Jerry Panikulam
Cc: JOYnet
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Vasthu shastra - My reply 

Dear Joynetters,

Though I'm against personal mails posting to the
joynet, after seeing
Mr. Jerry's mail I think it's my responsibility to
clarify his doubts
about my write up.

Mr. Jerry says

 After quoting many quotation from Catechism of
 Church in which catholic stand against such
 is clearly defined, still you have concluded your
 by So there is nothing wrong in following
vasthushastra as a
 science and I think catholic church also supports
 because all of our ancient church buildings are
 according to this shastra only.
 How can we say such things that 'ALL' the ancient
 where built according to shashtra 'ONLY'.
 Anyway I can't say this because I was not there
 and looking when the foundations of 'ALL' the
 Churches where laid.

True Mr. Jerry, even I was not there standing
and looking when the foundations of 'ALL' the ancient
Churches where laid. And I apologize for the word
'ONLY'. There are
lot of studies regarding the architectures of ancient
churches in 
kerala and they all points to this fact. It was not my

Again Jerry asks,

 But still I find difficult to understand what you
 really trying to say.

In the mails I clearly mentioned what I intended to

 So friends there is nothing wrong in following 
 vasthushastra as a science. But use your wisdom 
 (it's the gift of holy spirit) before accepting
 findings. If you accept the vasthushastra findings
based on 
 superstitions, you are acting against the first
 So God creates everything in this world and they
are all good.
 It's depends on the person who's using them makes
it good or 
 bad. So first accept Lord Jesus as your God and
 With his help make your selection. It will be the
right one.

I feel what I intended to say is very clear to all of
you. If you can
use vastushastra as a science for the benefits of
humanity, use it. But
that use should be according to catholic faith only

There is one more comment:
 From a wider perspective view you have defined
vasthu as
 'the reflection of love and affection between a man
and his
Yes I said this and I have given the explanation too.
So please read the
mail once again and see the references before coming
to any conclusion.

Again Mr. Jerry says 
 Never forget that we are JESUS youth  not 
 So let us see things in a christian view. We need
to filter
 our thoughts through the Word of God  Love of

Same thing only I also said. Here I don't want to
start another
discussion about what a Jesus youth to be. But let me
ask a simple 
question why can't we a scientific youth too.
Another point Mr. Jerry has is

 For any such practise what we see around us, never
 it unless we find its base in the Bible.

Did you forget how the three wise men located the
infant jesus.
Again my dear friend, Catholic faith is based on
Bible, traditions of
the old church members and the findings of many church
One more thing the discussion was not about astrology
 horoscope. They
are against 1st commandment so a sin in themself.

Yes friends...We discussed a lot about thins thing.
But I strongly feel 
such discussions are good only if they are helpful in
growing spiritual
life. I'm posting this reply to joynet only because
Mr. Jerry has done
so. I repeat I'm against doing so. I think he did not
read my mail
completely and commented with a prejudice mind. 

One more line. I'm no one to comment on the
findings/teachings of the 
Catholic church. But I know one thing I believe in
Jesus Christ and 
Believes in the Catholic Church. So I know whatever
the church says is 100%
true and no need of questioning it.

Thank you friends and May God Bless you all
-Sajith Antony

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Re: [JOYnet] vasthu Shastra

2002-11-14 Thread Mary Jacobs
Hi Jason,

I agree with most of what you've said but I am a little confused on one 
part.  You said that One of the basic rudders in our Christian faith is 
that we arent the authors of our life.  If we believed that statement, our 
beliefs would be similar to the Hindu religion and predestination.  Our God 
is a gentle God and he does not force us to do anything but rather he gives 
us choice and free will.  Of course He knows what decisions we will come to 
ultimately but again he does not make us come to that decision.  You said 
that our life is based on His will, well ideally it should be but that's not 
always the case.  Imagine if it was, what a wonderful world we would live in 
right?  Often times though we pray 'thy will be done', it usually ends up as 
'my will be done.'  That's why it's so important to pray for the gift of 
discernment and to try to understand what God's plan for you is and try to 
live accordingly.

So in a nutshell, if our lives were compared to a book, I don't think we'd 
be reading the story but rather we would be writing it as we go along, 
seeking the wisdom of God.  Do you agree?  Thanks for reading my thoughts.  
God bless,.-Mary (Calgary, Canada)

From: Jason :) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] vasthu Shastra
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 16:56:27 +0530

Dear JYs

This is really an interesting discussion that has cropped up on Vasthu
Shastra. In normal case I was planning to avoid this discussion if it wasnt
brought to my notice that one of the comments posted today by one of the
Joynetters really touched a wrong chord here. Generally some Indians in
recent times in the US are termed as ABCD - American Born Confused Desi. I
would like to term some of us as ABCD's too. through Almighty Born Confused
Disciples ... hehe. I am sorry I know I have no right to comments on others
but some of the comments made today were really detrimental 2 the Christian

Speaking of Vasthu Shastra I would like to affirm the replies of people 
Ravi Sir and Jerry Sir. It is an unacceptable part of our Christian faith.
Like J did comment about adopting some of the Good aspects about it. 
speaking I wonder what are the good aspects about it. To have it affirmed 
a Bible Scholar would mean that actually it has got to do with some
appeasable facts and nothing to do with Vastu Shastra at all. I cannot
figure how can one preach the Bible and Vastu Shastra at the same time. Its
like serving two masters. And Jesus did warn us about that right.

I was just going through some related matter on Vastu Shastra. There was a
question asked Why should we follow Vastu?. The answer was simple For an
orderly, useful, peaceful, beautiful life, planning is required. Hence
Vastu seeks relief in mattters regarding life life which is on earth. 
6:19 Jesus tells us not to store up riches for ourselves here on earth
because it is temperoray. Instead to store up riches for ourselves in 
for our hearts will always be where our riches are. Hence this goes against
the prececpts of Vastu which speaks about a rich life in different forms on
earth. Also St. Paul in 1 Timothy 2:2 gives an example that for a quiet and
peaceful life, Petitions, Prayers, Requests  Thanksgiving are to be 
to God for All people. Not any form of Vastu Shastra.

The next query put was What is the need of Vastu? The Answer was
astonishing. Accordingly there is a need for Vastu because One sometimes
feels that, inspite of having all the required resources for acheiving
success in the world field, one is not getting the desired and the deserved
results. Again here Vastu speaks of controlling ur own life; piloting ur 
ship; taking matters in ur own hands something which goes against our
belief. One of the basic rudders in our Christian faith is that we arent 
authors of our life. According to Romans 3:25 the Lord offered his life for
us  by his death HE should be the means by which peoples sins are forgiven
through their FAITH in him. So our life is based on his Will.

If Vaastu was something Good then we would have found various example of 
use in our Holy Book since Vastu is it believed to be present since ages.
Take for example when St. Paul was facing persucution according to Acts
20:23 then he would have done some sort of Vastu. slept in some funny
position and everything would be alright. However even till his death St.
Paul exhorted every 1 to only one belief and that was to Turn away from 
Believe in Lord in Jesus [Acts. 20:21]

Today when people talk about Vastu Shastra they give example about how much
it has helped. However no one has ever spoke about how much it has not
helped about how much a failure it can be. My own Grandfather practices
Vastu Shastra and believe me I can certainly tell you about the so called
Great impact it has on his life.

Ill conclude with a on this note which I personally feel.
For everything there is a price

Re: [JOYnet] Vasthu shastra

2002-11-14 Thread Jerry Panikulam
Dear Br.Sajith,

I appreciate your findings from the Catechism of Catholic
Church and your experience you shared is really a piece of
inspiration to all of us.

But still I find difficult to understand what you where
really trying to say.

After quoting many quotation from Catechism of Cathoilc
Church in which catholic stand against such superstitions
is clearly difined, still you have concluded your statement
So there is nothing wrong in following vasthushastra as a
science and I think catholic church also supports it
because all of our ancient church buildings are build
according to this shastra only. 
How can we say such things that 'ALL' the ancient Churches
where built according to shashtra 'ONLY'. 
Anyway I can't say this because I was not there standing
and looking when the foundations of 'ALL' the ancient
Churches where laid.

You shared your personal experience in which your father
has turned down this Shashtra  nothing wrong happened to
your family, and you have witnessed lot of blessings too...
But you have again concluded by saying
So friends there is nothing wrong in following
vasthushastra as a science.

I wonder if you were trying to say Christianity and Bible
is man made. 

From a wider perspective view you have defined vasthu as
'the reflection of love and affection between a man and his

From the scientific point of view, lot of praises has been
poured on Vastushastra.

Actually dear brother I find hard to understand what you
are trying to say. 

Never forget that we are JESUS youth  not SCEINTIFIC
So let us see things in a christian view. We need to filter
our thoughts through the Word of God  Love of Jesus.

Our ancestors may have followed lot of such things without
knowing the truth. God has picked us to CHANGE THE FACE OF
todays YOUTH, so as to built up tomorrows generation in
Christian faith.

For any such practise what we see around us, never accept
it unless we find its base in the Bible. We are born in
Jesus only when we say YES to the power of Jesus  say NO
to world's power. Because that is the moment we accept
Jesus as the true God who has power over all worldly power

The first century Church was facing same crisis when some
Christians where led by astrology, horoscope  many worldly
powers. Paul strongly replies to this matter in letters to
Colossians  Galatians  

I conclude by following quotes.

(Col. 2:6-10)
 If you have accepted Christ Jesus as Lord, let Him be
your doctrine. Be rooted and built up in Him; ………..See that
no one deceives you with philosophy or any hollow
discourse; these are merely human doctrines not inspired by
Christ but by the wisdom of world. For in Him dwells the
fullness of God in bodily form. He is the head of all
cosmic power and authority, and in Him you have
(Gal. 4:3-4,8-11)   
.we were first subjected to the created forces
that govern  the world. But when the fulness of time came,
God sent His Sonwhen you did not know God, you
served those who are not God's -rather He has known you -
how can you turn back to weak and impoverished created
things? Will you want to be slave again? Will you again
observe this and that day, and the new moon and this period
 that year.? I fear I may have wasted my time with

I'm really sorry to say we are taking this subject too far
and it is time to wind up. I beleive we have discussed this
topic more than enough and we have got enough quotings from
the Bible and from Church teachings.

With love in Jesus

Jerry Panikulam

--- Sajith Antony [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dear friends in Jesus Christ,
 At first when I saw some of the mails regarding
 ‘vastushastra’ in Joynet I was very sad. The
 discussion started on a doubt...that is whether
 ‘vastushastra’ is against Christian faith or not(I
 would rather read Catholic faith, because there are
 some difference between Christian faith and catholic
 faith). There were some quick answers too. Many of you
 have already commented on
 this subject and I would like to add some more from a
 wider perceptive.
 Do not oppose anything by blindly saying it is Hindu
 way of life or it
 comes from Hindu tradition etc. But oppose things if
 they are against
 Bible  Catholic faith. As we know the discussion
 about 'vastushastra' comes under the 1st commandment, 
   I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the
 land of Egypt, 
   out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other
 gods before me. 
   You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or
 any likeness of 
   anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the
 earth beneath, 
   or that is in the water under the earth; 
   you shall not bow down to them or serve them
 In the explanation to this commandment the church
 teach us 

[JOYnet] vasthu Shastra

2002-11-13 Thread mary joseph
 Dear FreindsIm glad the topic of vasthu shastra came up as I had been 
looking up ads in Bangalore for houses on sale  and
 many of them said Vasthu compliant but not shasthra. So I thought it meant that the 
builders were compliant with some contruction codes mandated by the government.
   So what do I think about it now that I know what it means,
I  think it is part cultural, part religious and   part science.Much of science 
developed because people observed events in nature for hundreds of years.If I found a 
house that was Vasthu complaint and at the same time was one which my family and I 
liked I would buy it.As there are 
more Hindus than Christians the resale value will be better.
  Weas Catholics do  we not bless the water and the fire and  use,it in our  
sacraments.?Do we not use
holy medals, scapulas and pray at the same time for protection from God.In the 
Charismatic movement a lot of counselors are consulted to predict the future and they 
do.They say they see certain visions and they predict what will happen. Do we not 
flock to holy Places where miracles are said to happen.Do we not  accept dowry even 
tho it is illegal, but very cultural and traditional.? Do we not believe in many 
Saints and invoke the intercession with God. There is science in our  our christian 
rituals and rites.A strong faith and belief in a higher power (God) has been shown to 
be good for our minds and bodies.We are able to recognize that what will be good for 
us will happen in Gods time. and He will see us thru our adversities.
Live and let live,
In His grip and grace

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