Hello All,
After reading Sindhu's emails about Tithing I felt like writing about it.  I 
personally have never tried to do Tithing.  But we have occasionally helped 
others as we heard about their needs.  I always noticed that when we helped 
others we got more.  When Sindhu said that when they started giving 15% to 
the Lord they got 15% more, I felt like saying that this really is true.  One 
thing that worked for me is trying to help somebody with a similar need as me 
who is a lot poorer than I am.  This is a little personal.  For the benefit 
of others I can write about it. Most of you probably know about the dowry 
system in India.  When I graduated from college we didn't have any money in 
the bank for my dowry.  But I got a job in the Campus interview itself.  So I 
was very self sufficient.  But I was concerned about having to work several 
years to save money to get married.  

At that time I new one of my neighbors who was 1 year older than me who was 
doing a very small job and getting paid only RS 600/- a month. Her parents 
were very poor.  So I asked my parents to tell her parents that someone has 
promised to pay a certain amount for her wedding.  Once they heard that they 
started to search for a guy for her.  But I got married in the meantime and 
did not have spend a penny for my wedding. So I was able to give most of my 
savings upto that point for my neighbour's wedding.  My parents never told 
them who it was that promised the money for the wedding.  

Yours in Jesus,
Lovely Thomas/Chicago/USA

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